Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Today is apparently Stupid Day

First, we all know how I hate the people at the Starbuck's drive thru, that want to hear "what kind of pastries do you have?"....if you need a muffin, get out of your damn car and go inside, the rest of us have places to be. HOWEVER, today took the cake (or muffin). I was in line behind I woman who spent about 3 minutes (after she had her coffee) talking to the barista trying to explain something. When she finally departed, and I got my chance at the window, two of the girls were laughing so hard, they were in tears. The guy (Markus) was just shaking his head. Apparently, the nuclear scientist in front of me wanted them to pour her coffee so the foam was on the bottom! I told Markus next time, tell her it is, she's just holding it upside down.

Second, when you go to lunch, and you're sitting reading your paper at the bar, why does the bartender feel like you would want to engage in some conversation about the aweful salad on the new menu?

Lastly, I heard today that the EU, USA et al, are offering Iran a package that includes USA nuclear technology, if the PROMISE to stop developing nuclear weapons. What, what, I'm having a severe attack of Deja Vu....isn't this the tact we took with China AND North Korea, and we see how well that's working out.


Blogger Tom B said...

Right up there with a friend of mine that informed me that he was pumping "nice, fresh water" into the bottom of his pool so he could drain the "old, stale water" from the top...........

7:21 PM  

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