Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ya'll Democrats Killz Me

  • CindySheehan can go on national media and hold a rally that encourages US Soliders to desert to Canada, but Ann Coulter can't call out (4) New Jersey housewives, who have made themselves the self-appointed spokespersons for all 3,000 9/11 famalies, by speaking the truth about them seeking out and enjoying celebrity?
  • Ward Chruchill can give speeches, funded by Federal $, in which he calls the 9/11 victims nazis, but Ann shouldn't call the liberals a pseudo-religion?
  • Democrats are against the death penalty, but for abortion?
  • Why is it that, if a man works all his life, and earns millions of $ (and pays the highest level of income tax on it), when he dies, his family has to pay taxes on it again? If the estate tax is going to apply, apply it to everyone?
  • Why is it that a child born to an illegal alien can attend a California university for 1/3 the cost of a legal US citizen's child born in another state?
  • Why are children in schools forced to learn about black history, latin history, but the ACLU says it's a violation of rights to force classrooms to fly the US flag?
  • Bill Clinton is lauded for invading Bosnia to stop "ethnic cleansing", but Sadam kills 5x as many of his people for religious views, and Bush is invading for oil?
  • Dems are critical of a plan to offer Nuke technology to Iran to stand down on developing nuke weapons. But Carter can give it to China, and Clinton can give it to N. Korea, and that's "international diplomacy"? (By the way, I disagree with the idea too, mostly based on the disasterous results of the prior to events)
  • Dems are ok with laws that require minors to have parental consent (in most states) before getting an ear pierced, but the don't think the parents have ANY right to know if she wants an abortion?
  • Bush is "owned" by the big oil companies, but when Clinton pushed India into a Billion$ deal with Enron...global economics.
  • Dems rail against Bush for doing nothing to slow the alleged "global warming", yet most of them are driven the ONE block from their office to capital hill, and there's even one who flies in a helicopter the 4 miles from his office to the airport.
  • Bush is always scrutinized for taking "care of the good ole' boys"....but is Nancy Pelosi quietly earmarks $1m to her campaing manager to start his new "think tank"...that's not an issue?
  • Dems are on the air-waves screaming that it's time to pull out of Irag....however on June 15th, when given the opportunity to vote on a resolution to send to the Preident only 6 of the 48 dem senetors voted in favor of such a resolution. Could it be they want to rant, but don't want to have a perm record of their vote?
  • Dick Cheney has a hunting accident, and the should hold a press conference. Rep. Kennedy slams through a police barracade, and we should give him time to face the media.


Blogger Tom B said...

AMEN, Bubba!

7:28 PM  
Blogger Tom B said...

AMEN, Bubba!

7:30 PM  
Blogger Meg said...

That’s right…forget any other lifetime accomplishments…you can die peacefully now. Although, I was trying to make you mad by calling it “Gary’s big brother” Looks like my plan backfired!

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to rain on your parade, but it's seems someone needs to stand (or kneel) in the abyss of "We're not all Right and They're not all Wrong."

Global warming? It's a reality that even the administration's scientists acknowledge; they simply disagree with the timeline. Whereas one group claims the trend will be unreversable in as little as ten years, administration funded researchers say 100 years. So, it's okay to destroy our planet as long as we're not here for the final scene?

Abortion and the death penalty? First, liberals, at least the ones I know (or am), have NEVER claimed to support, be in favor of, prefer, or even approve of abortion. Liberals suggest that having or not having an abortion should be a choice. Let me also just add, referring to the aforementioned "We're not all Right and They're not all Wrong," conservatives seem to agree! Dount the veracity of this statement? Well then, take a look at the numerous billboards along I40 that are funded by various Right to Life groups. The signs direct readers to "CHOOSE LIFE." Being a wordsmith, I may be one of the few to notice this, but it is impossible to "CHOOSE" anything if there isn't another choice. See we do agree!

And, before we leave this topic, take note that your argument works two ways (assuming that we misinterprete the liberal view as re: abortion opposed to choice) - If the liberals are for abortion but against the death penalty then the converse is that conservatives think we should force women to birth children, at which point all of us will help to feed, clothe, and educate said children until they are adults. THEN, we can kill them. Hmmmm.... seems we're right back where we started, an agreement!

Immigration education? - one of the few global agreements this world seems to share has to do with being born on foreign soil - regardless of how your mother arrives or arrived in a country, universally each person is a citizen of the country in which s/he is born. Some countries, including the U.S., require that any person holding dual citizenship declare him or herself at the age of maturity. (Now there's a point we might REALLY argue about - I know forty year-olds who have yet to reach the age of maturity!) I ask my students not to mix metaphors, so I'll ask my friends, please, don't mix issues; you'll often end up on the road to hell, one brick shy of a load.

Certainly this could go on and on, but I think I'll stop with this thought (one that I can't seem to forget these days) - From the third season of _The West Wing_ comes the story of a man in a Nazi concentration camp. (I'd call him a detainee, but that would probably get us started again.) Each morning he was seen kneeling and when ask what he was doing he replied, "I'm thanking God."

Looking around at the dreadful circumstances in which they found themselves, a fellow prisoner asked, "What could you possibly be thanking God for?"

Looking up from his kneeling position, the first man replied, "I''m thanking God that He didn't make me like them."

You're ALL RIGHT. but I love ya anyway!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Big Rick said...

I'm not sure I fully understand any of your points.

1. Global Warming - I didn't say it does or doesn't exist, I said alleged. You can find just as many scientist that say it's a natural cycle. What I DID say is DEMS preach about needing to do something about it, then ride of in their escalde (see Barbara Streisand)

2a. Abortion - How can you say DEMS aren't for abortion? If you're not against something, then by default, your for it. (Talk about staying out of the middle of the road). Put simply, the published DEM position is, it's ok to kill a baby before it's born, if that's one woman's choice. But it's not ok to kill one murder/rapist if that's the choice of a jury of his peers. You can't hide behind the "woman's right to choose" unless your also willing to give the father the same right. That's like saying, "I'm not FOR that man shooting you in the head, but I have to defend his right to choose."

2b. Abortion - The conservatives doen't want to force a woman to have a baby. But we do want to force her to live up to the obligation she signed on for when she had unprotected sex, just like the father should. "Ooops, I was drunk last night...so let's kill the baby" just doesn't ring true. And maybe, had someone ACTUALLY rasied a child, educated him, and taken some personal responsability, we wouldn't have to give him/her the needle for killing their cousin over the last dinner roll.

4. Immigrant Education - Again, you're being a DEM. I never said the child born of an illegal alien wasn't entitled to an education. What I did say is why is that illegal off-spring entitled to an education a cheaper cost than a child born in the US, but from another state.

You know I love ya, but your argument demonstrates alot of my problems with the liberal base. I made (15) statements...you addressed (4) and interpreted them to say things I never said, and ignored the other (11).....however....I will defend with my life, your right to be a DEM!

3:49 PM  

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