Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Good thing the Dems are looking out for the kids....

With all this Foley mess going on, I have to laugh at some of Dems that are coming out of the woodwork.

First let me say that if Foley has done what it appears he has (solicit sex with a minor) he's a pig, and should be strung up by the nads.

Now, onto the Dems. Too many GOP-ers are throwing Clinton up as saying the Dems are two faced. That's too easy. Yeah he lied, yeah he had sex with an intern, yeah he had several mistresses, and yeah he was accused of rape...that's no reason to run him out of office (like the GOP did Foley).

But Clinton's too easy, there are so many other examples.

  • Barney Franks (D) 1989 - Local PD shut down a homosexual/underage prostitution ring being run out of his home in DC. His wasn't me, it was my room-mate. Yet he's one of the Dems screaming that Hastert should resign because he didn't know about Foley's actions. Franks' boyfriend can run teenage boys out of his house, and it's ok he wasn't aware. A grown man, from another state, sends a few IM/Emails...and Hastert is supposed to be all knowing. For the record, when the House did move to sanction on the Franks affair, Franks stood on the floor of the house and threatened to "out" other members that were in the closet. The sanction went away. Franks is still in the house today.
  • Crane (R) & Studds (D) 1983 - Both men were caught actually having sex with pages, and were censured by the House. Crane (R) was ousted by his own party in the very next primary. Studds (D), was allowed to continue to run for the Dems, and served another 13 years.

And my favorite:

  • Mel Reynolds (D) 1994 - News came out that Reynolds had been paying a 16 year old female page for sex. During the investigation, a call was recorded where the 16 year old was going to bring a 15 year old female for them all to enjoy. Reynolds response.."I hit the lottery"...he was subsequently convicted. 2001...he was pardoned by Dem Pres BILL CLINTON....and wnet to work for JESSE JACKSON after his pardon.

Yup, those Dems...hard on child predetors!!!!


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