Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's a matter of trust....

So, to all those that are part of the former "inner circle" of information....we have a rat in our ranks, and he has shown his true colors.

Below is an exerpt from an IM exchange between myself and Gary about keeping peoples private information secret...

  • Rick Cail says: you, know kinda like when you got pissed about John telling me about the wizard of oz thing...which I still have never seen
  • Gary Cail says: see when they are my secrects I keep them
  • Rick Cail says: so if their not OUR secrets we (John, Jen, Drew) don't have to keep them?
  • Rick Cail says: again, good to know
  • Gary Cail says: they don't call me gossip central for nothing, and before any of you start complaining about that each of comes to me first for gossip too
  • Rick Cail says: huh "that each of comes to"
  • Gary Cail says: each of you
  • Rick Cail says: I believe what you're trying to say is, regardless of relationship or one's secrets are safe with you...except your own
  • Gary Cail says: it also helps to know it is a "secret"
  • Rick Cail says: but, when in doubt....we know you wont "err" on the side of caution
  • Gary Cail says: nope
  • Gary Cail says: fyi I have only been typing the last half of this Megan was typing the first half
  • Rick Cail says: nice try
  • Gary Cail says: ask her
  • Gary Cail says: lol
  • Rick Cail says: she's your buddy...I'll assume if she was, it's all ok with you

So guard your secrets close children......cause not everyone is!


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