Monday, July 02, 2007

MOORE outright lies

Once again, Michael Moore has made a movie, and once again, liberals are pouring praise all over this tool...and once again...his movie is full of bull-shit statistics....

Facts presented in Moore's Latest Farce "SickO":

  • 50 million American's are without health insurance - According to the CDC, it's actually 40 million, but hey, what's 10 million give or take (or a 20% lie)

  • Moore says 18,000 die each year as a result of lack of health insurance...there is no statistic to back that up....the report he cites, states that those without health insurance are more likely to die prematurely.

  • Big Medical companies campaigned for a Medicare Drug benefit that paid them $800m - Truth, the $800m estimate is over a 10 year period, and recently that was reduced to $725m...and as far as "handing it over" they are providing drugs to those on Medicare for that money.

  • Moore says, that as a result of the Medicare Part D program, the ederly end up paying more - Well, some do. Those that are well enough off, yeah, they pay a bit more. The vast majority, according to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, save $1200 each on average.

  • Moore states that the US has fallen to 37th in the world in providing health care. - Again, the report he cites has taken sharp comes from the World Health Organization......however, what he fails to note is the Cuba...who he holds up as a model for nationalized health care...comes in at 39th on that same list.

  • Moore uses a sound bite from an insurance call center employee saying there is a list of "pre-exisitng conditions, not covered, that would wrap around this house". What he omits, is the same woman explaining that is one plan.....once of thousands, and it is not typical. He also incorrectly states the Insurance Companies have drafted these "pre-existing" lists....that is not true....the plan sponsor (usually the employer) determines those lists.

What is really funny is, after 10 years of railing against the government for not being honest, responsive, or capable....he now wants to turn over healthcare to that same government.

If Washington is truly as bad as he has said in the past....why would he want them in charge?


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