Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's been a while, since I could hold my head up high....

Not really, but I had to open with something....and because it's been such a long while, I'll just throw out some random thoughts.....

- So an illegal alien can come to our county, rape and murder (2) teen age girls, confess to it, and now the International Court, a body that was set-up to govern foreign relations, thinks it has the right to tell the US govt to force a new trial in Texas....AND the Feds agree! This is bad mojo folks. If the Supreme Court backs this crap, next the Int'l Court will tell us that the 2nd Amendment is against international law (that's the one about guns kids)..and try to make us change about our policies on illegals...should the rest of the world get to tell us how to run our borders.....this isn't about one f'ing's about the world's attempt to re-write our Constitution.

- NAFTA...good for Bill Clinton....bad for Hillary Clinton....apparently, one of the hallmarks of the Slick Willy legacy, doesn't sit right with Ms. Willy, as she says she will amend or revoke it. Remember, NAFTA was the little bill that sent all our jobs to Mexico. But lest ye think the Reps aren't crazy my earlier posts the AmerCanixco under the CAFTA that Bush is wanting to push through.

- The Patriots cheat, the Patriots cheat....well how do you think the Jet's coach knew where to tell the refs to look...he used to run those cameras. And by the way, have you noticed how badly the Pats have done since the SpyGate incident...yeah...5-0

- OK, so let me get this straight....CNN holds a Republican Debate, and picks Chris Matthews to host. Well, in the spirit of the Fairness Doctrine, I think the Dems should hold a debate on Fox News, and Bill O'Reilly should moderate.....but we know THAT would never happen.

- Memphis re-elects King Willy......really? Well I just felt my property value jump about 5%

There's been more, but it's late and I'm tired....I'll catch up some more tomorrow.


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