Saturday, December 06, 2008

Another semester gone....

Well another semester has ended, and after getting serious at the end of the semester, I pulled an 87 for the course, or a B+....however, since college doesn't do "B+"...I got a B.

What irks me is that I only missed an "A" by 2.5 pts....and when you consider my instructor was late 5 out of 13 weeks posting assignments, and I was the ONLY student that turned in my term paper (which I got a 100 on) on time, you would think they guy could round up, and give me an "A"......but nope, "that's not how he works".....well turn about is fair play, I just received my class survey where I get to grade him on his handling of the on-line I just have to decide how badly I want to burn this bridge, since he is the head of the Criminal Justice department at the Senatobia campus, and I just might end up taking another course from him.....


Blogger Rick H said...

A suggestion from a friend who happens to be married to an instructor - be honest in a positive way - should be a breeze for you considering who we work for and the job you do. "Consider it is not about the rest of the class but what you attained by attending."

Take care bud and Happy Holidays to you and the wife - really enjoy your blog Rick we don't always agree but I find you honest and forthright.


11:34 AM  

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