Thursday, November 06, 2008

The silence is deafening....

I'm sure some of my faithful readers have been waiting for my comments about the most recent election out come. Truthfully, I had resigned myself to this outcome, and while I was holding out a bit of hope, I was pretty sure this was the way it was going.

I know this will be the worst Presidency since Jimmy Carter, and after listening to talk radio today, I now why.

A local talk-show host asked any Obama supporter to call in so he could congratulate them, and ask what it is they are most looking foward too. Some of the jewels of wisdome expressed...

  • Capital Gains Tax should be lowered...and when the host pointed out that Obama wants to raise that tax...the caller explained that he disagreed with Obama on this point...the tax should be lowered so the war would see in his mind...Capital Gains is the money we spend on the war Capital war.
  • Once caller said he had no problem with off-shore drilling in Iraq, Turkey, Syria...and thought we should off-shore drill there before we do here....of course none of those countries have a shore to drill off of.
  • On caller, said she was "excited" about 20 times, but couldn't say what she was excited about. When asked about Obama raising Capital Gains tax, she said "good, they should be raised"....then when asked if she could explain what Capitla Gains Tax was...she hung up.

These are the people that elected this chump. And here's the said part, they will re-elect him in 4 years if he takes all my money and gives it to them, so hang on, it's gonna be along ride.


Blogger Tom B said...

Like you said, Bubba, been waiting for your post. Glad to see you didn't see the results and have the big one.............

We're in for a rough ride.......

Wonder how many of his opinions changed today after his first National Security Briefing? He's in for a big surprise!!

2:52 PM  

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