Sunday, April 19, 2009

And the Obama-nation continues

You Oba-maniacs must be getting sick to your stomachs..

And truthfully, it's almost getting hillarious to those of us that knew what a real loser this guy is....

  • Yet ANOTHER political nominee is under fire for tax problems
  • Obama told Hugo Chavez he wants to be "friends"...really? The man who has shut down free speech and democratic elections in his country?
  • It was revealed by the New York Times this week, that the domestic wire tapping that all you DemocRATS screamed about under Bush, are not only continuing under Obama...but they've been expanded....where is all the outrage now?
  • How come when Dems protested Bush and the was a patriotic duty....but when over 300,000 citizens protested Obama's spending...they were called "unpatriotic, whiners" (Bagala), or racists (Garafalo), and uneducated rednecks?

You dems really must have sore jaws from talking out of both sides of your mouth


Anonymous Tom B said...

Amen, Bubba.

6:04 PM  

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