Monday, July 10, 2006

Ya'll Democrats Killz Me...Part Deux

Ok, so let's review....

  • For almost 4 years, the Dems having been ranting that Bush's "stay the course" message is flawed and he needs to change tactics to deal with the current situation & have been calling his policies "Cowboy Diplomacy" and critisizing his "unilateral" tactics
  • Since the invasion of Iraq, the Dems have critized Bush for not giving diplomacy a fighting chance, and for not creating a "true coalition" of major nations (i.e. France, Germany, etc).
  • For years, the Dems have critized other Republican leaders for not standing up to the Bush administration.

So, let's take about recent headlines....

  • So now, when the Prez is letting diplomacy run it's course, and wont commit to military action against N. Korea, Time Magazine has run a cover story that basically ridicules the Prez for pushing diplomacy, and has a lead story titled "End of Cowboy Diplomacy"....wait isn't that what they said he should be doing?
  • Now that Bush wants to rely on the Six Nation Coalition (France, England, Germany, et al) to push N. Korea around, the Dems are critizing him for not taking a bolder stance, and for not giving N. Korea ultimatums.
  • Last month, the Dems ridiculed Rep. Hoekster (sic) for making a statement that we had found WMD, when the data he was looking at was 15 years old. But TODAY he is a hero for calling out the White House on not giving his committe enough information on NSA programs. Last month's's SuperHero....maybe that's how Kerry got nominated?
  • And when a Republican does take a stance opposite the White House, they're only doing it for political gains, not because that's what they really believe....damn, if they're all knowing, how come they didn't know that they would tank in the last 2 prez elections?

Just a quick side note here, tonight, Keith Olberman (who routinely brags about his 12% viewer increase, and O'Reilly's 14% viewer drop) decided to run a segment around the Time article, and wanted to bring on a guest to comment on whether or not this signaled a change in the ethical level of the conservatives.....his choice for a expert on political ethics????......JOHN DEAN! Yup, the same John Dean who managed the slush money for Nixon, set-up the Watergate break-in, and married the hooker he was banging to keep her from being made to testify against him. What an icon on ethics!

Here's a few other thoughts:

  • Dems want you to believe that Republicans are the driving force behind banning gay marriage, however the Democratic state of New York, and it's Supreme Court, just shot down Gay Marriage....didn't hear much of that on the news did you?
  • Dems say that Gay Marriage is what the people want.....but they don't want it put to a vote by the people. Why is it the right of a minority to force a law down the majorities throught, but not the right of the majority to set boundries for our society? I am for gay rights, by the way. But in almost every state, gay couples can obtain the same legal rights through a "civil union". So the drive to allow them to be married doesn't gain them anything, other than to say "nah, nah....we made you change".

And while I'm on the subject of N. Korea, and the supposed failed Bush policies....let's not forget that the technology to build those nukes, and launch those missles...much of that came in a deal framed by Pres Bill Clinton & Pres Jimmy Carter, deal designed to keep N. Korea from developing nuke weapons....because they promised us they would!


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