Friday, September 29, 2006

We're #2....We're #2............

Last week, the FBI released it's annual crime report, and low & behold...Memphis is #2 in the nation in violent crime.

King Willie's answer...more po-lice...and of course....more property tax.

Under the new plan, a person owning a $150k home in Memphis will now pay about $1500 a year in property tax. That's on top of the $1000 they pay in County property tax. So for a small 3 bedroom home in Memphis, you get to pay a grand total of $2,500 a year in taxes. That's more than I'm paying for my 5 bedroom, 1 acre, $300k in Desoto county.

One has to wonder how much it would have helped if they had that $6m from the parking garage, or all the other monies I've discussed before.

Keep it up's only helping my property values!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lethal Dumbass

The fine American, Danny Glover, lunched today with Central American wing-nut, Hugo Chavez, in Harlem, the day after chuckle-head called Bush satan. Of course, for good measure, he did it again, and said many people have told him his life is in danger...Bush was going to have him killed. If he's worried about dying, he shouldn't be rolling through Harlem looking like a low rent gypsy cab driver.

The only thing in danger of being killed is what little career Glover has/had left.

Did I ever tell you about the day my wife was on an elevator with two obvious "working girls"...and low and behold, they were headed to Danny Glover's room at the Peabody...she didn't believe them, so she followed, and sho' nuf, when the door opened, there he be!

If he had a good movie come out, I'd boycott it, but since he hasn't done anything I'd care to see since Lethal Weapon 3 (I didn't really like 4), it's not that big of a protest.,2933,214973,00.html

The mainstream media is liberally biased??? Say it ain't so!

100 people camp outside Pres. Bush's ranch, and they're on TV everyday.

A bunch of illegal aliens get together to call for the takeover of half our country...they're on all the time.

An insane leader of Venazuala insults our country and it's wall to wall.

The even more insane leader of Iran does that same, and he gets invited on talk shows.

35,000 protest Iran outside the UN....and it doesn't make it to any news show at all.

Nah there's no bias.

On the subject of Chavez's little speech, I must admit I agreed with him on a couple of points.

First, the UN has become a complete failure since it's inception after WWII and second, it should be moved out of the US. Let Venezuala pay the millions and millions we've paid for having that debacle housed her.

Better yet, move it, and don't tell us where it is.....we'll just deal with NATO.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Here we conservatives go again, disenfranchising millions

The house recently ok'd a bill that will make it a requirement to show proof of citizenship in order to vote in Federal Elections by 2008.

Opponents claim it's unfair because it's too much of a burden for the poor and elderly to get IDs.

Recent laws at the state levels in Georgia and Missiouri have been struck down as unconstitutional. This despite the fact that in Georgia, they state offered those who don't have ID, rides to the office to get them for free (the ID is already free), and if you can't leave your home, a mobile office would come to you to get your ID made.

Imagine the order to vote in an election deciding the president of the US, the bastards want you to prove you are actually a US citizen.

If you don't have a problem showing ID for your beer, cigs, and to cash your welfare should mind this.

What is really pissing of the Dems is now all those illegal mexicans they registered to vote at the rallies held earlier this year might no be able to help Hillary get into office. Shoot.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I have the proof........

Beer is a gift from God...and he sealed it with a rainbow

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Doesn't this just chap your a**..............

Valarie Wilson, a 56 year old Grandmother from Long Island, NY last month hit the NY State Lottery...for $1,000,000


Yup, in 2002, she hit $1m...then this month, hit for another $1m.

All I want is something more than a damn playback, and this old lady is hitting twice!!!!!

There is no justice.

Friday, September 08, 2006

It was just a matter of time....

I just watched a story on Fox you've all seen, gas prices have dropped about 30% in the last two months....wanna guess why (according to this wing-nut I just saw)? it because we discovered the largest oil reserve in a generation, and their might be two more just like it? No. it because there was a 20% lower than expected usage rate over the Labor Day holiday? No. it because of cut backs in usage, the fuel surplus is at a one year high? No.

...silly's because the elections are coming, and the oil companies have been told, by Pres Bush directly, to lower prices so the Reps will win more offices!!!

Of Course it is!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A little of this...A little of that....

End of Summer.....So as if to drive home the fact that summer is ending, Mother Nature dropped the temp about 30 degrees just in time for my final pool party. Nothing says tropical heat like 15 adults, bundled up in coats, sitting around trying to get the portable fire place roaring. Oh well, the kinds didn't mind the 78 water temp, so no harm no foul.

Yes, I do work other than in the US.....I found out that the driving force behind Snoozer Troopers tired to verify a claim of mine that I work beyond the confines of Memphis and the central time zone. Unfortunatley, Jen didn't remember alot of the work my team does, like China, Bolivia, Mexico, etc. To the less informed....I work for the feds, and the feds do work beyond our borders. So you think when an US agency builds an office in China...they hire a Chinese firm to do the work?

Kathern Bowers & Y'allz Demz Killz me (cont)....after months of blow hard interviews about I'll never fold, I'll never quit, and I didn't do nothing wrong.....Bowers has folded, has quit, and has a least done one thing wrong. After resigning form the Senate for health reasons (high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems..and I think a seriously in grown toe nail) she felt good enough to get loaded and side swipe a UPS truck on I-240! No she says it was the meds, fortunatly the DUI laws take that into account, and if she operated heavy machinary (no I don't mean her girdle) then she's guilty. However, in true Memphis fashion...she got a citation, and was sent home...for I know that ALL of us would get the exact same treatment, and not spend (8) hours in lock up!

I was told they'rd be no math questions....So after two semesters on the President's List...I've taken my first College Allgebra test....then I started looking for degrees that don't require math....I'm just glad I've still got my 4.0 to build on, and I'd tell what my GPA is now....but that take averaging, averaging would be math...and math is just wrong!

Living bout living means....In yet another example of no one taking responsability, the city is now pushing for a "Living Wage" for all persons employed by the city, or employed by companies that do business with the city. They estimate for this living wage would be about $12.00 per hour for someone not collecting benfits....which for the family used as an example (single mom with 3 kids) would be about $25k per year. Still below poverty level. We can talk about why a single Mom has three kids later, but for the sake of argument here, on top of the $25k per year, wants to buy a $80k house she will also most likely receive:
  1. $11k per year in child support (I'm not going to stereo type, and assume Dad(s) pay)
  2. $16k from the city to make her 20% down payment, so she doesn't pay PMI
  3. $2500 a year saving from not paying PMI
  4. $4k a year in food stamps
  5. $3k in tax credits for EIC
  6. $1500 in free clothes for the start of the school year
  7. $8k worth of free school lunches
  8. The will receive property tax assistance, utility assistance, and a vast untold number of other donations for being low income.

So at the end of a year, when she decides to purchase house, this woman (and again, I'm using Wendi Thomas profile of the typical worker) would effectivey receive $71,000 in income, tax credits, and assistance programs.

Now, let's look at a family in East Memphs, living in a $300k house, with a Mom/Dad and (3) kids, each parent makes $35k per year for a total of $70k:

  1. $20k in Fed Income tax, no credits, no breaks
  2. $2k more a year in city tax, because they have a nice house
  3. $1k more a year in county tax, becasue they have a nice house
  4. $6k more per year because their kids will buy their own lunch
  5. $1k more per year because they will buy their kids school clothes and supplies
  6. $2k more per year because they didn't have 20% to put down on their house, and have to pay PMI
  7. $4k per year they don't get in food stamps

So one family has effective income/incentives of about $71,000....and the other has an effective income/deductions of $34,000.......who's the low income family?

And, just another thought, the City always brags about supporting small/local business. What will the impact be of a suddent labor cost increase of 40-60% be on that small business? What will the rest of us do that have to absorb they're increased costs? The city wont, they have a contract the company will have to the other people (us) will have to subsidize the dramatic increase.

Friday, September 01, 2006

And the answer is......

  • Coward
  • No Show
  • Skeered
  • Pitiful
  • Loser
  • Chicken-s**t
  • All talk, no walk
  • Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
  • Full of hot air
  • Got no game
  • Can't back up their claims
  • Couldn't give you the answer for 1 + 1
  • Hiding
  • Afraid to come out and play with the big boys
  • What was it this time...another wedding, canoe trip, birthday party
  • Can't play on odd number days?

The question....who/what is Drooper Troopers

After a succesful appeal from last week....we are now the reigning champs two weeks in a far as Meg's team...I'm reminded of Chris Farley calling out David Spade in "Tommy Boy"...."oh, him just a little guy....him afraid to come out and play with the big guys"