Monday, September 21, 2009

The SROBAK 25th Miami Vice Convention

As many of my fellow Miami Vice fans will recall, back in 2000, Srobak promsied us a 25th Convention that would have "thousands" in attendance, and involve the full media, and vendor participation.

Well, I'm proud to say, the event was EXACTLY what you would have expected from Mr. Robak. Below are the pictures for this magnificent event....

Parking was at a premium outside, most spots were taken by the vendors brought in for the event....

While the lines were long at the check-in desk, we all knew it would be well worth the wait...

Here you can see the wide variety of boating vendors who brought their boats for display. Most said they new Srobak personally, and were glad to participate at this level...

One of the big highlights was the celebrity speakers brought in, shown here, the audience is in awe of the behind-the-scenes stories being told...

And the grand finally night, the dinner/dance, with an 80s theme, was just magical....

All in all, this was just what we've come to expect from a Srobak sponsored event, being a true man of his word, he delivered exactly what we all expected. I am all a twitter with anticipation to see what magic Shawn can pull off in 2014 for the 30th!!!


Blogger Tom B said...

I wouldn't have enjoyed this as I hate big crowds.........LOL.

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're still a tool

12:28 PM  

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