Friday, October 02, 2009

I Just Love It!

I haven't made any comments recently about our Savior President and the Holier-than-thou Dem congress...but here are some recent thoughts....

The State of Georgia floods......Obama hasn't been there yet. Where is FEMA, where is the Fed? Why aren't the same people screaming now that were screaming during Katrina? Biden shows up for one day....shows his ass using the word "y'all", and that's it.

Yet another Czar proves to be a jackass. On the heals of Van Jones, we now learn that Obama's Safe Schools Czar once had a 15 year old confide in him that he was having gay sex with a much older adult. The Czar's response? Use a condom.

OBAMA LIED - During his wasted address to congress, he promised full disclosure regarding any health care bill. However, the amendment to allow the bill to be posted for 72 hours before a vote has been shot will be passed, using dirty tricks, before any of us know what it's all about.

BO and MO go to Cophenhagen, using TWO planes.....and still don't get the much money did that waste.

Obama spent 3 hours drinking a beer with his Harvard Professor buddy.....but spent less than a half hour talking to the Cmdr of US troops in Afghanistan...before he had to jet off to meet his wife and Oprah in Copenhagen.

During the Bush admin, he was critized for taking too much vacation time. In less than 9 months in office, Obama has been to Martha's Vineyard, Paris, and New York. On our dime.

How come when Obama went to Martha's Vineyard, and asked the media to respect his private time, they did. But 100s, along with Cindy Shaheen, camped out side of Bush's Texas home, and never gave him a moments peach

Why did the liberals scream that Bush needed to "listen to the military commanders"...but Obama can put them off for weeks, and that's ok.

Why did the liberals berate Bush on no exit strategy for Irag...but Obama can admit he has no plan for Afghanistan..and that's ok.

Under Reagan, when unemployment was at 9%, teenage unemployment was at 40%, and minority unemployment was at 35%...there was "no good news"....but when those numbers are at 10%, 51%, and 40%......"there's signs of hope"

When Bush said "Mission Accomlished" and it wasn' could hear the screams from the left. But Obama says "recession is over"...and it's not....the silence is deafening.

The state of CA is nearly bankrupt. They have high corp tax, free medical care, medical care for illegals, tons of environmental law, salary mandates...all plans the liberals want to implement nationwide......because they wored so good in CA?!?!?!?! attempt to recover...they are going to cut business and personal taxes, cut back on social programs, and put a cap on spending....hmmmm....isnt' that what Republicans want for all of us?

The reality is, and liberals can't deny it......all of his promises in the campaign were lies...and the policies he has rolled out have failed.

Wake Up!!!!!


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