Friday, December 29, 2006

Swing Time...

According to reports, and it's early yet, Sadam was put to death by hanging.

Reached by phone, former Iraqi Press Secreaty (Baghdad Bob)said..."Sadam is not dead, he is down the hall in his office, and the Americans have been defeated at the border of Iraq....we have defeated the USA."

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Is Almost Here..

and I'm hoping someone got me the Miami Vice's a video for the "In The Air Tonight" remake they used in the movie...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

From my new favorite show

I hate it that Sting is such a flaming liberal....but I do love this song..and this show.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Some Random Musings....

I haven't posted in a while, so here are some random thoughts I've had over the past couple of weeks....

- Everyone in Memphis was apalled that they let the husband out of jail, who beat his wife to death at Thanksgiving....but these same people (and newspapers) campaigned to get the wife who shot her preacher husband in the back released, and move out of the county to work in a dry cleaners.....already now the answer..but why is the women okay to let go, but the man should be held. My opinion is they both should be held.

- To all those "I can't get in the Christmas spirit because it's 70 degrees"...bite me....if cold weather is the only thing that gets you in the Christmas're missing the point of the season.

- Where are all the city council leaders that were screamint for Pat Vanderscaff to resign..after she got caught shoplifting $ that Ricky Peete and Edmond Ford have taken $13k in bribes?

- Hey New York....the reason dude got shot 51 times by the police is because he was a thug criminal, who tried to run down an undercover cop.....stop trying to convince us what a "good boy" he was.....if he was so great, why was he at a strip bar at 4am....10 hours before he was supposed to be getting married to his babies momma?

- Ward Churchill....go F**K yourself...and you aint no indian.

- The Dems war cry was that the Reps didn't have all the facts before going into Iraq...I feel much better now that the new head of the intelligence committe can't tell us the differance between a Shia and Sunni...and doesn't know what sect Osama and Al Queda are...or what group makes up Hezbolallah...that should make for some excellent decision making.

- A Iranian nation, now living in the USA, has written a book that shows that Muhammad (the #1 muslim) was actually suffering from seizures when he was writing, and the most violent traits of the muslims came when he was suffering from those attacks...makes sense to me.

More later....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's too wait it's too, now it's hot again

For all those chicken-littles that devour the cool-aid being fed to them by Al Gore with "An Inconvenient Truth" should know this isn't the first time the world was about to burn up from global warming (according to experts)....but it was also supposed to freeze a time or two in between.

Below is a short article that quotes a study released in 1975 warning of global cooling, and suggesting that we find away to MELT the polar ice caps to avoid it. Aren't those the same things that are melting too fast now....not's the same scientist saying it...being funded by the same tax dollars.

The most important thing to note is the REAl Inconvenient Truth is that every 35-35 years, the goverment funds about $20B in studies to tell us we're hot, warm, cold, ice cold, burning hot. In 2000 alone, we spent $4B to tell us the exact opposite of what NOAA swore was the end of the world 25 years earlier.


Fire, or ice?
By William Rusher
Thursday, July 20, 2006

The New York Times's headline read, "America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776; Temperature Line Records a 25-Year Rise." Well, what's so new about that? The Times has been having an historic fit about global warming for years, hasn't it?

Yes, but that particular headline ran in the good gray Times on March 27, 1933 -- 73 years ago. What's more, the Times changed its mind dramatically on the subject 42 years later, in 1975, when it startled its readers on May 21 with "Scientists Ponder Why World's Climate is Changing; A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable."

Nor has the Times been the only major periodical to blow hot and cold (if you will forgive me) on the subject of the global climate. On Jan. 2, 1939 Time magazine announced that "Gaffers who claim that winters were harder when they were boys are quite right ... weather men have no doubt that the world at least for the time being is growing warmer." Yet Time scooped The New York Times by nearly a year when, reversing itself, it warned readers on June 24, 1974 that, "Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age." Today, of course, Time has changed its mind again and joined the global-warming hysteria. On April 3 this year, it announced that "By Any Measure, Earth is At ... The Tipping Point. The climate is crashing, and global warming is to blame."

The last major attack of hysteria, in the mid-1970s, focused on the peril of global cooling, and was especially severe. Fortune magazine declared in February 1974 that "As for the present cooling trend a number of leading climatologists have concluded that it is very bad news indeed. It is the root cause of a lot of that unpleasant weather around the world and they warn that it carries the potential for human disasters of unprecedented magnitude." Fortune's analysis was so impressive that it actually won a "Science Writing Award" from the American Institute of Physics.

But the prize for sheer terrorizing surely belonged to Lowell Ponte, whose 1976 book "The Cooling" (a predecessor of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," though from the opposite point of view) asserted that "The cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people in poor nations." If countermeasures weren't taken, he warned, it would lead to "world famine, world chaos, and probably world war, and this could all come by the year 2000."

All of the above quotations, and many more, can be found in a wonderful new booklet by R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor of the Business & Media Institute, a division of the Media Research Center in Alexandria, Va. (Full disclosure: I am the avuncular and largely indolent board chairman of the latter.) Entitled "Fire and Ice," it quotes alarmist predictions of both global warming and a new ice age dating back to 1895. The authors identify no less than four swings of scientific opinion, with considerable overlapping, from global cooling (1895-1932) to global warming (1929-1969) to global cooling (1954-1976) and now back to global warming (1981 to the present). The booklet can also be read for its sheer entertainment value. (I particularly liked the anecdote about the penguin found in France in 1922, which was widely viewed as an "ice-age harbinger," though wiser heads concluded it had probably escaped from the ship of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton.)

The booklet notes sensibly that "Most scientists do agree that the earth has warmed a little more than a degree in the last 100 years. That doesn't mean scientists concur that mankind is to blame. Even if that were the case, the impact of warming is unclear." And in its wisest paragraph it concludes, "This isn't a question of science. It's a question of whether Americans can trust what the media tell them about science."

But if you're looking for a new career, here's a hint: "Global warming is a good business to be in for government funding. More than 99.5 percent of American climate change funding comes from the government, which spends $4 billion per year on climate change research."

Friday, December 01, 2006

Another pretty cool video

I liked the song when I heard it, but the video is pretty cool...Stone Sour - "Through The Glass"