Friday, April 06, 2007

I know it's been a while....

My buddy Tom asked me why I hadn't been blogging, and frankly, it's because the things that I would comment on are the same crap over and over again, Memphis politics, DC Politics, the liberal agenda....but I did find something today that irked me a bit.
I just a report about Nancy P in Syria.....
Why is it that everytime a US citizen (woman) goes to the middle east, they are forced to cover their head?

Heck, the even did it to the female British sailor they took hostage.

I know what you libs will say...."we have to honor their customs"...well I'm good with that, so long as it's a two-way street, and it's not.

When I start seeing Muslim women, getting of airplanes at JFK, taking of their vails, putting on a Girls Gone Wild t-shirt , and applying at Hooters....then I'll be ok with the US honoring their customs.
And on a quick note to the Brits.....15 sailors.....15 days of custody....4 vido confessions and apologies...and 1 warship just sitting by when it happened.....worthless


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to have you back, Bubba!

5:53 PM  

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