Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres , Nancy Pelosi..and other dogs

Here's some questions I want to hear asked....

....if Ellen is SOOOOO torn up about the little girl losing her dog.....why doesn't she go buy her another one?

....if the Dems think it is a horrible thing for Bush to visit dead soldier's families for a photo-op, then how come it's ok for them to round up a bunch of kids in CA, ship them to DC, and put them on parade to support Universal Healthcare?

....why is it that, with the credit rating in the toilet, the city just named the most violent in america, the highest tax rate in the state, a utility that is going upside down.....why is it that Willie deserves to be paid ANOTHER $20,000 per year.....and now has a total salary higher than Mayor of Atlanta, the Mayor of Louisville, the Mayor of Nashville....and the Vice President of the United States?

....why does the Mayor of Millington drive a 6 year old Crown Victoria...the Mayor of Bartlett drive a 2001 Ford Explorer...the Mayor of Germantown drive a 1997 Taurus....but King Willie just got a brand new 2008 Cadillac Escalade (leased)?

....a newly released report shows that 60% of middle and upper income African Americans moving to the Memphis area...choose to live outside of the city....but we don't hear about that report. Could it be that would show this is NOT a racial exodus of Memphis, but the decision of the thinking/working class?


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