Monday, May 05, 2008

Cinco de my-ass.....

Why is the White House recognizing Cinco de Mayo? Don't answer that, I already know, it's because we're sucking up to the Mexican legal and illegal immigrants.

Here's my first problem, ask anyone on the street, and they will tell you that Cinco de Mayo is the Mexican Independance Day....WRONG!!!!!

Cinco de Mayo is a regional holiday that celebrates the Mexican victory over the French in one battle. It's not even a federal holiday in Mexico!!

The real Mexican Indy day is September 16th.

However, let's assume for a minute that May 5th was the actual holiday. Why are we recognizing it here? I don't see the Mexican's lighting up fireworks on the 4th of July in Mexico City to celebrate our independence!

This question can be asked over many issues, and the answer is always the same. This country has been corrupted into thinking that we have to give in and recognize everyone...and no one has to recognize us. We have to honor everyone, and no one has to honor us. We have to respect the traditions and diversity of the entire world....but no one has to honor our history or traditions.

We've been guilted into being ashamed or our own culture, and forced to pay homage to others.

The liberal twits that want to "one-world" this planet is determined to erase every aspect of the American way of life, and instead force use to accept those traditions of peoples who wouldn't give us the time of day.

Except, of course, until they need money or protection, then they come running to Daddy America so we can make everyting alright.


Blogger Jennifer Carter said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

10:26 AM  

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