Sunday, April 13, 2008

Barrack Hussein Obama

So, back on April 6th, Barry here made the following comment...."Americans are clinging to guns, religion and anti-immigration sentiment because they are bitter about Washington’s unfulfilled economic promises."


How about I own guns, and practice my religion because it is my right to do so. And I push for anti-immigration laws because I want my country protected, both physically and financially, from being taken over and drained by those the would freely violate my laws and my beliefs.

What this really comes down to, my precious few readers, is a brief glimpse inside the true beliefs of Hussein.

He doesn't belive in the constitution, and he doesn't believe in this country. Were he to be given full authority, he would throw away all our constitutional rights, and subrogate the leadership of this country to the United our borders to any and all aliens....redistribute the wealth of our country evenly to all, despite your level of input (or lack there of) into our economy, and end what we now know as the USA.

If I'm clinging to my constitutional rights to bear arms, freedom of religion, and expecting the government to protect my borders........and Obama thinks that is wrong......what does HE cling to?


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