Sunday, January 25, 2009

And another poker night comes to an end...

CONGRATS to Jo Chetter, who came back from being short-stacked, to win the main game, with Keith coming in 2nd, and myself coming in 3rd.

In the following two $20 games, Keith managed to win BOTH of those, so we are looking forward to his return next time to get a shot at getting our money back.

We had 5 new players this time, so our little poker circle is growing, which will hopefully translate to bigger pots down the road.

See ya next month!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

And the fun begins....

After only TWO days in office, here are my early observations about Prez BHO:

  • In BOTH of his press confs today, he had to check with someone off camera to see if he had said everything he was supposed to, and in fact, had not.
  • His new head of the Treasury, despite being an income tax scoflaw, has the distinction of being one of the architects of the recent bank bailout, that donated $350b to the banks, and did nothing to track it or make sure it was going to help the economy.
  • He has announced we will close GITMO, doesn't know where the prisonors are going to go, how they will be handled, who's going to do it.....but we'll close the prison

Oh, this is really going to get ugly

Sunday, January 18, 2009

You say it's your birthday.........

So last night we celebrated my friend Sam's birthday. At her request, we got a table at The Crossing, and commenced to partying. The band (Tom, Dick & Harry) were good, although they're no Aquanet.

The first round of shots showed up around 9pm (yup, that was me), and the dancing started shortly after.

Afterwards, Sam, Pam and I came home were I fixed chili tots and pizza, which was quickly consumed, followed by naps for everyone. BTW, when you ask Pam if she turned the oven off, don't take her word for'll see the pic below.

If the bar tab was any indication, a good time was had by all.....Sam's Bday tab beat New Year's Eve by $50!

Once again, here's some pics from the extravaganza....


Bad news....the Powerball ticket didn't hit

And the trouble begins.....

Big Daddy Danny

When Tots Go Bad!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm already weary of the wall-to-wall coverage that is pummeling me on TV. And I know it's only going to get worse until the crowning on Tuesday.

I can't wait until Wednesday

Monday, January 05, 2009

Bad Year For Global Warming......

A recent article by an environmental group in Hawaii said, "2008 was a bad year for global warmers".....why, well these facts, that you probably wont here on the mainstream media, will give you an idea why....

  • In the last 10 years, there has been NO increase in the global avg temp
  • In the past 6 years, the average global temp has actually COOLED
  • Current global "sea ice" levels are at their highest in 29 years.
  • Sea Ice grew at a faster rate in 2008 than at any other time in recorded history

Now, I think we need to clean-up, and find alternative fuel sources, but let's get off the "sky is falling" nonsense, and get on with a reasonable debate.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Another New Year's Even, come and gone

I really do enjoy New Year's Eve. This year, Pam and I had dinner, just the two of us, at our favorite steak house, and the food was incredible, even better than usual.
Then it was off to The Crossing for partying with our pals. There were 7 of us in our main group, but the bar was packed!

No real stories to tell, except David should NOT do Jaeger at the pre-party next year.

Everyone came back to our house after, and we all changed into PJs (sorry, no pics) and ate...

  • Lasgna
  • Tater tots...with Chili
  • Homemade Coffee Cake
  • Hashbrown Caserol

Am I missing anything? Pretty much, if it sat still long enough, we ate it. Watched old episodes of Two and a Half Men, and a few of us slept. I think everyone finally left around 4am, except David, who spent the night.

Wonderful year, thanks to everyone....and we'll see you all again in 2009!!!!

And some pics for your enjoyment.....