Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A shout out to my friends in Mempho....

In just under 12 hours, the City of Memphis was hit with over $100m in expenses it didn't think it was going to have to pay.

A Federal Judge ordered them to upgrade the Liberty Bowl to meet ADA specs, and a cost of $30m, and this must be done in the next 18 months.

Another judge, sided with the School Board, and ordered Memphis to pay the $57m it had with-held from the system.

The City Council ok'd paying out some $5m in employee buy-outs and early retirements.

So hang on to your property taxes, cause you know they're going up!!!!

And you folks in G'town and the county, don't think it wont be hitting you either, the county will end up on the hook for some of the Liberty Bowl.

By the way, we down here in DeSoto County will enjoy hosting the MidSouth Fair this year, on it's way to Tunica. That $40m for the Liberty Bowl may have been the final death-blow to the entire area there in Midtown.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why no post....

Someone called me today, and said they were suprised that I hadn't commented after Obama's speech last night.

Quite frankly, I didn't watch, and could really careless anymore.

The man is a complete liar, he's doing nothing but bankrupting this country, and taking into a European Socialist system.

How many of his appointees were tax dodgers?

How many dropped out under public scrutiny?

Did you know Tom Dashle wrote a book last year, and in it, he said the way to get Nationalized Healthcare pushed through was to insert it into a budget amendment. Well guess what...that's just what they did. The vote today will now FORCE your doctor to record all YOUR medical files on a a federal database, which will then be used to develop public policy for nationalized healthcare.

You all voted for suck it up and take what's coming.