Friday, April 24, 2009

Torture is a bad thing......mmmmmkay!

The Obama-ites are now going crazy about the alleged torture techniques used by the CIA in the war against terror. They want investigations, they want charges brought, and they want people jailed.

Well hold on just a second.

The current head of the CIA (Leon Panetta), who by the way had NO intelligence experience, and was no where near qualified to run the worlds most complex agency....but I digress....Leon, used to be the Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton. And under the Clinton's, Panetta oversaw the program of known as "Rendition". Rendition, children, was a Clinton program where the USA would capture suspected terrorists, and turn them over to other countries to be questioned. Why? Well, these countries had more "persuasive" methods of water-boarding...and would then provide that intel back to the USA. So, torture is bad if the Republican President is overseeing it, but if the Democratic President is contracting his torture out to other countries....that's ok?!?!?!?

And what about our Sec of State...Hillary...she claims she was deeply invovled in her husband's what did she know about our out-sourcing of torture?

On a side far in the past 3-4 weeks......Obama has apologized for the US at least 3 times, told the world we are arrogant and wrong...and has become hugging buddies with both the Castro brothers and Hugo Chavez, known socialists.

Does anyone really still wonder what this guys agenda is?

AND....keep your eye on the rules he's about to place on the credit card know, the banks we just bailed out...well he's going to make it more attractive to them to make credit cards available to higher risk customers, so those customers will then spend money they don't have on things they don't need to "stimulate" the economy.

Sound should....Clinton did the same thing to the mortgage banking industry...which resulted in the now infamous "sub-prime" loans...and the melt down of the housing market.

So the top Democrats answer to get our selfs out of the current financial crisis is to encourage those that don't have credit worthiness, to take out more credit they can't afford, and then sit and wait for the credit card bubble to burst!



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