Tuesday, June 09, 2009

"Pay As You Go"??? Are you fucking kidding me!

No-bama came out today and said "paying for what you spend just makes good sense"...........where the hell was all that common sense when he was rolling up over $1 Trillion in national debt? Where was that when he forced banks to take TARP money they didn't want? Where was that when he was appointing his 40th freakin' "Czar"?

I challenge one of you mindless Dems that blindly voted for this yahoo to explain this to me! You can't.....but I CAN. "pay as you go" means I'm gonna tax the be-jesus out of those of you that have money, so I can keep giving away your shit to those people and companies that don't deserve it.

Oh, and by the way...."saved or create 3.5m jobs"....what the hell does that mean? How can you prove you "saved" a job?

Based on the bullshit formula Biden's economic guy created, Pres. Bush "saved or created" some 32 million jobs in 8 years...the best record in US history.

This is the beginning of a very dark period for our country, and especially for those of us who have worked, earned, and "paid as we go" all along.

This President intends to take my money, and give it to those who have done nothing but fail, under work, over spend, and then hold out there hands while asking the govt to blame someone else.

You wanted him, you got him...too bad those of us that knew better are going to get taken down with you.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

It's Time To Wake The "F" Up America....

By now you've all heard that California is on the brink of bankruptcy. And the fake-Republican Gov. Terminator Boy, now says the State must cut Billions or face extinction.

Why is this important to those who don't live in CA? Well, here's the thing....California is the most Socialist state in the country. The fully embrace the liberal agenda of entitlement for those who don't deserve it. Free educations for illegal aliens. Cash payments to homeless in San Francisco. Free needles to drug addicts...and on and on and on. In CA, an illegal alien receives more benefits that a born US citizen who becomes unemployed.

So here it is in a microcosim. The Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Franks liberal experiment, fully at work for years in CA....and it's a total failure. So once this new "enlightned" way of governing spreads to the rest of our country...the clock will be ticking on the entire US then...and it wont take long.

More Obama "flip flops" too chew on too:

- The USA must seek alternatives like wind and solar, but not nuclear. However, he understands why Iran (an oil rich nation) wants to develop nuclear as a power source.

- The USA must give up making large polluting vehicles like the Hummer line, but it's okay to sell it to the Chinese, the most polluting industrial nation on Earth.

- It's ok for his supreme court nominee to say she is more qualified based only on race and gender, but if a white male says the same thing...he's a racist.