Friday, July 14, 2006

A few more Plame/Wilson bits....

How many times can Val Plame be outted???

  • In the early 1990s, while supposedly a NOC using a cover of "engergy analyst" she lists her address as the US Embassy in New York
  • In 1991, again while supposedly a civilian "energy analyst" she coordinates the visit of Prez Bush 1 to Greece, through the Athens embassy
  • In 1997, she was recalled to Washington as being one of the individuals identified by Aldrich Ames
  • Around that same time, she was also outted when Cuba opened secure documents enroute the a Swiss Diplomat in Cuba.
  • 1997, she is assigned an admin job working for the Asst Dir or Ops...CIA she's NOC, but she works in Langley? Like no one is going to go "but wait, you were an energy analyst, but now you're working in CIA HQ....oooohhhh"

A few points about her dear ole hubby.....

He runs an Op Ed piece with the Wash Post, in which he says he told the White House that he determined Iraq never tried to by uranium in Niger. He said he based this on the fact that the documents had the wrong dates and names, and thus were forgeries. Problem is, the US didn't get the documents he's taking about unitl 8 months after his visit and report. When asked about this by the Senate...he said he may have mis-spoke in the Post

He also wrote in his report to the CIA that, according to the minister of mines, he was approached by an Iraqi operative to buy 400 tons of uranium in 1998, although he didn't because of UN sanctions. I guess we're to believe that Iraq wasn't serious, or only would have made that one attempt.

During his interview with CNN, when asked by Wolfe Blitzer if he wife was "classified" at the time of Novak's article he said "no".....later he said he was confused by the question.

He also states in his tell-all book that his wife had nothing to do with his selection to go to Niger (by her boss), and when presented with the email from his wife to her boss recommending him..says he doesn't consider that a recommendation. But lest we forget, this wasn't the first trip his wife sent him on, he had gone to Niger on another trip in 1999, at the non-recommendation of his wife.

A Niger govt official tells him Iraq tried to buy Uranium, he writes it down, then write and article to the contrary.

He writes and article saying that documents he hasn't seen were forged...and he's just confused.

He answers a simple question with "no"...but later didn't understand the question.

What a guy.


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