Thursday, July 13, 2006

Plame/Wilson file suite

Today the happy CIA couple announced they were filing civil suit against those who supposedly "outted" her in an attempt to seek revenge on Joe Wilson. Here's some questions....

  • Why isn't she suing the CIA spokesman who is actually the 2nd person that confirmed her identitity? Not wanting to piss off her boss?
  • Why isn't she suing Novak to devulge the original source? Is it someone that she doens't want us to know about?
  • When the CIA, FBI, British Intel, German Intel & Italian Intel were all confirming intel that Saddam was buying nuke material.....the Prez was supposed to throw all that out, and take the word of Joe Wilson, who spent about a week poolside in Niger, never left his hotel, and by his own account, met with 2 people? Also poolside, who basically said, "no, he didn't"...I can see where that's much more reliable.
  • And speaking of Wilson, why was he chosen by his wife's agency?
  • How much was he paid?
  • I'm sure he didn't go for free, so wouldn't that be giving favorable government work to a family member?
  • In the entire country, there wasn't anyone else capable of making this trip, other than a CIA agents husband?
  • Since she wasn't covert, and her classified status had long since expired....what's the big deal about saying "you know that too?", which is what Rove said to Novak.


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