Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Some things you probably haven't heard on the news...

  • Did you hear...Al Gore's son was arrested for possession of illegal drugs, after being pulled over for doing in excess of 100mph in Orange County CA? Probably not.
  • Did you hear...remember when a Fed Judge found the wire-tapping of overseas calls to/from the US were illegal? It was all over the news as a Smackdown to Bush. Well last week, that was overturned, and found to be constitutional.
  • Did you hear...Nancy Pelosi, in a press conferance, admitted the Dems really haven't done much since taking over congress.
  • Did you hear...Mike Chertoff (Rep) has a "gut feeling" that another US attack is looming, but doesn't think securing the borders is a priority.
  • Did you hear...that we've signed an agreement that says the US cannot impose any rules on imported products (like from China) that it doesn't impose on it's own people. This rule was handed down by the WTO and the now they are making rules for the US.
  • Did you hear....despite the claims of Global Warming, the southern hemisphere of the planet is currently experiencing one of it's coldest winters in 100 years, and some parts of Africa are receiving snow for the first time in 89 years?
  • Did you hear...Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claims those that don't follow the "green earth" movement should be treated as treasonists....but on the same week, ABC reported that bottled water companies are contributing a great deal to polluting the planet....RFK owns a bottled water company....but his company wasn't mentioned in the article.
  • Did you hear....yet another UN scientist has removed himself from the panel studying global his resignation letter..he states the research has become too "political" and "alarmist"


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