Wednesday, October 24, 2007

California is burning......whooptee do

While I'm pretty fed up with the wild fire stories in California, it does beg one to make some observations....

500,000 people have been evacuated, with out much fuss at all, and have all be moved by the local and state governments, without Federal help.....why couldn't New Orleans do that?

12,000 people had to be put up at the Charger's Stadium...when they arrived, there was food, water, tents, medical attention.....all without Federal help...why couldn't New Orleans do that?

When Federal help was requested, the local leaders contacted the navy and the army, and got exactly what they asked New Orleans when Fed help was offered (twice) the Govenor said she'd have to think about it.

So in summary...a hurricane hit the Gulf Coast, actually doing more damage in Mississippi than New Orleans, and a wild fire has hit CA doing much more damage. In both MS and CA the local officials responded quickly, with local and state resources, and requested Federal Help in a timey manner, which arrived when requested, and according to EVERYONE involved....things are working together GREAT between the local, state and Feds.

So, New Orleans....what the f**k is wrong with you!

Why, two years later, has New Orleans still not given out all the funds awarded for recovery, but MS is almost complete with it's repairs?

The answer....New Orleans!


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