Friday, May 23, 2008

To surpass the achievments of your parents....

I know this might sound a bit odd coming from me, and rest assured, I really am not being sympathetic, but I was thinking.....since it should be the goal of every child to exceed their parents, and the goal of every parent to see their children do better than they did...where does this leave Chelsea Clinton. Let's assume for a moment that Hillary became President....that would mean that I am a child BOTH of whom's parents have achieve the title of "most power man in the world" (dig to Hillary). How do I beat that? How do you live in that shadow, and know in your heart that you could NEVER be President....twice!!!! Wouldn't that just drive you insane? Maybe she'll go mad, and decide that the only way to become more succesful is to do the exact opposite......maybe she'll decide that instead of being a super American.....she'll become a Super Villian, bent on world domination.....and she'll high jack a nuclear device....hold up in a mountain with all of her evil hench-men....and hold the world hostage for ONE HUNDREAD BILLION DOLLARS!!!!!! MMMMMMWWWWWWAAAAAHHHHHAAAHHHAAAA!
But then, she'll be reminded by her Number 2 that after 16 years of having a Clinton as president, one hundread billion dollars wont by you a Hyundai.
I really think this could work for her.....after all, by the time she's old enough, her father will certainly be able to fill the role of Fat Bastard!


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