Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's Moving Time, Moving Time..accross the USA...

I always thought when we bought a new house, that would give me a good 5 - 10 years of no major projects. But alas, that is not the case.

As most of you know, I work out of my house, a while back, the "floating" shelves that I had put up came crashing down. Well I was just going to get some larger anchors, and re-hang them....but being married, it's not that simple.

See, since we need to patch the walls, we should just go ahead and paint, and if we're gonna paint, we'll have to move the furniture, and if we're moving the furniture, why not move it out, and then put down that time floor she's been wanting.

This is all well and good, but that means I need some place else to work, hence the title of this blog. I'm moving my computers, etc into the spare bedroom, and setting up shop on a couple of spare folding tables.

Then we can begin dismantling, patching, painting, tiling, et al. I'm sure when it's all done, I'll be happy, and most likely take credit for most of the work, but right now it's a pain.

Off for another load.....C Ya


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