Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Big F****ING Thank You.....

In the last few days, and in the days to come, you're going to hear Reps and Dems try to blame this latest financial debacle on each other. Well guess what, they are not to blame.

You want to know who is to blame....take a look around your neighborhood. Anyone you know who took out a 3% adjustable rate mortgage to buy a house they couldn't afford otherwise, anyone who took out a 110% mortgage to buy a house they couldn't afford......anyone who who blindly signed loan papers and didn't understand what they were getting themselves into.


Those people, and their ilk. The ones that since the 60s & 70s have decided they are "entitled" to something for nothing. That if they didn't have the brains needed to advance themselves, well then big business and big government should advance them at someone elses expense.

The same people that wanted a tax refund, when they never pay taxes anyway. The same people that want the govt to give them a free cable box so they can get digital TV next year. The same people that don't work, but wont the govt to guarantee them the best medical care available at no cost.

The end of this country is going to be brought about by the lazy, no good, useless class of people that feel the government, and those of us that earn a good living, owe them everything for free, just because they are hear.

And the end will be facilitated by the liberal/socialist democrats like Obama who think it is the governments job to redistribute my wealth to those that produce nothing.

By the way, one number says that this will end up costing each taxpayer $8500 over 5 years. That doesn't sound that bad, but remember.....not all taxpayers pay taxes, a large amount pay nothing, and an even larger amount make nothing, but get "earned income credit" so they still get a refund. So in the end, the bill will be the burden of the working/educated minority, which is getting pretty freakin' tired of footing the bill!


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