Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin and "Trooper-gate"

First, let me say I'm tired of everything being attached with "-gate", it's old, let's move on.

Okay, you're all hearing about the allegations about Palin, in short, she is under investigation for allegedly abusing her authority, by firing the head of the State Troopers, because he in turn, would not fire Palin's ex-brother in law, who was a trooper. Sounds pretty bad huh? Well here are some facts that you ARE NOT hearing in the news.....

  • The man fired, has said on record, that he was never told or ordered to fire the trooper in question. He has said that several other people, not Palin, made him feel as if he was on the hot-seat for not firing him.
  • A Palin aide, made a comment that was recorded, in which he said "the gov and her husband can't believe this man still represents the State Troopers" talking about the brother-in-law....he was suspended.
  • The ethics investigation was NOT called for by the man was called for by the State Director of Ethics....who is.......wait for it...wait for it....a DemocRAT
  • Palin has asked for her own investigation, to be expedited...because the DemocRAT doing his investigation has announced he wont release any findings until the week before the election.

Why did Palin have a problem with the brother-in-law;

  • In front of a crowd, he threatened Palin's father, saying he'd make him "eat a bullet"
  • He verbally attacked Palin's daughter (his niece) at a high school football game, in front of dozens of witnesses.

Now, as Govenor, if you had information about a cop, making direct threats, public attacks, and tasing a 10 year old boy...wouldn't you think he should be off the job?

By the way, none of the accusations about him that I've made have been denied, in fact, he was suspended for it.


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