Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More from the Obama-nation

So you've all heard how we, the US taxpayers, will now have to foot the bill to bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now Lehman Brothers.

One might ask, where were the people running these companies, how much did they make, and where are they now???

Well Jim Johnson was head of Fannie Mae for several years, and also head of Lehman Brothers. All total, he bailed out with about $40m in bonuses.

Harry Raines also worked as the head of Fannie Mae, after heading the Office of Budget Management for Bill Clinton. In his six years, he scored just over $90m in pay.

A Federal Investigation found that both men benefited from improper bookkeeping, designed to artificially inflate the value of these companies, and consequently their own pay. Now when this happened to Enron (friends of the Reps) it was all over the news, and people went to jail. However, in this case, these two leading Democrats have had no action taken against them, and the media isn't talking about it.

Where are they now????????????????

They BOTH work for the OBAMA CAMPAIGN as economic consultants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, when these jokers were in charge, these companies donated millions in campaign contributions....Sen. Chris Dodd (a real tool) received more money from them than any other politician. Wanna guess who was #2???????? Yup....the savior himself....OBAMA


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