Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Obama WTF?!?!?!

I'm really beginning to wonder if this Prez just sits in the White House thinking of stupid shat to pull off.

The lastest debacle not only demonstrates his lack of sensitivity to this country and it's citizens, but a bone-head decision financially.

At some point, someone in the White House decided that it was a good idea to fly Air Force One very, very, very low over MANHATTAN...escorted by 2 F-16s....AND NOT TELL ANYONE!!!! So someone really thought it was a good idea, to do a fly-by on the city that was struck by two jets 8 years ago. And not even let the mayor know. I'm just picturing BHO sitting thinking out loud "this'll freak 'em out!"

And let's not forget about the HUGE waste of money. I read somewhere that it costs about $4k per hour to fly a 747. Let's be reasonable, and estimate half that. For the 3 hours this plane flew, $12k....plus the cost of two F-16s....another conservative $24k.....a grand total of $36k!!!

The purpose??? It's a series of fly overs so they can have a photo op of Air Force One flying by several national monuments. This time the Statue of Liberty. Let's say they're going to do 10 national monuments. $360,000,000 for these photos!!!!!

Obama, here's a tip....I've got a 15 year old nephew...and if you buy him a copy of "PhotoShop"....he can get you all these photos....for about a $100!!!!


Anonymous Tom B said...

You're low on your estimate........ According to Fox News, "Only military personnel were aboard the 747, Gibbs said. The photo-op cost $328,835, which includes personnel, maintenance and fuel costs, according to the Air Force." That is for THIS photo op ONLY! Unreal.......

6:12 AM  

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