Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Olberman...doesn't seem to like his own advice....

So in June 2005, Keith Olberman (who anyone who knows me knows I detest) printed the following on his blog:

June 22, 2005 12: 05 p.m. ET
Enough with the Nazi references! (Keith Olbermann)

LOS ANGELES - A message to Dick Durbin, Rick Santorum, and Robert Byrd - as they combine to delay my reports to you about the night I inadvertently offered Bill Clinton my New York City subway pass, and my experiences behind the scenes at "The Tonight Show," and my private eight minutes with Mary Carey.

The message is this: Boys, just don’t say "Nazi" ever again in your life.

There’s no place for the reference in this culture. Not about the Republican tactics, not about the Democratic tactics, not about Guantanamo Bay.

The Republicans are not the SS, and the Democrats are not the Gestapo, and Gitmo is not Buchenwald.

Apologize profoundly and profusely, burst into tears if you will, but the analogies are wrong, offensive, and deeply hurtful. And I speak as a European of protestant descent.
More over, this particular moment in our history is no time to pour more ice into the crevices of our national political discourse. We have enough of the makings of fighting in the streets, enough of the rancor that preceded the caning of Senator Sumner on the floor of the Senate in 1856, without people throwing the devils of the 20th Century into the mix.

In fact, it would be a really good idea, for the sake of the country, and to steer out of this skid of Party First and Country Second that now pervades both sides, if the three distinguished gentlemen resigned, or at least announced they would not run again. Because apologies or not, they are at best, carrying the disease of branding other American leaders - no matter how wrong-headed some of those "others" might seem to you - with the same kind of vitriol that enabled the rise of the Nazis in Germany.

Stop it, stop it now, stop it for good.

So then why then, we addressing the Television Critics Association recently, did he walk on stage like this....

He defended his use of the Nazi salute to take a shot at O'Reilly because he claimed that O'Reilly had defended the Nazi's (3) times. What actually happened, was on (2) occasions, O'Reilly mis-quoted a battle of WWII, but corrected the mis-quote when it was brought to his attention.

Olberman is such a dick!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was on Leno last night. What a PHONY this guy is!! He is the epidemy of the phoniest "should be sent to Iraq without a flack jacket" reporter I've ever seen. He was so full of himself he overshadowed Leno's chin! Give him a one way ticket to a deserted island someplace and FORGET about him.....................

6:38 PM  

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