Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's a matter of trust....

So, to all those that are part of the former "inner circle" of information....we have a rat in our ranks, and he has shown his true colors.

Below is an exerpt from an IM exchange between myself and Gary about keeping peoples private information secret...

  • Rick Cail says: you, know kinda like when you got pissed about John telling me about the wizard of oz thing...which I still have never seen
  • Gary Cail says: see when they are my secrects I keep them
  • Rick Cail says: so if their not OUR secrets we (John, Jen, Drew) don't have to keep them?
  • Rick Cail says: again, good to know
  • Gary Cail says: they don't call me gossip central for nothing, and before any of you start complaining about that each of comes to me first for gossip too
  • Rick Cail says: huh "that each of comes to"
  • Gary Cail says: each of you
  • Rick Cail says: I believe what you're trying to say is, regardless of relationship or one's secrets are safe with you...except your own
  • Gary Cail says: it also helps to know it is a "secret"
  • Rick Cail says: but, when in doubt....we know you wont "err" on the side of caution
  • Gary Cail says: nope
  • Gary Cail says: fyi I have only been typing the last half of this Megan was typing the first half
  • Rick Cail says: nice try
  • Gary Cail says: ask her
  • Gary Cail says: lol
  • Rick Cail says: she's your buddy...I'll assume if she was, it's all ok with you

So guard your secrets close children......cause not everyone is!

Friday, August 25, 2006

I would like to appeal to the Soviet Judges.....

As you all now....The Stuper Troopers ran away like a Frenchman in a war when they found out 5 O'Clock Somewhere was rolling into town.

Even the DJ commented that it's too bad we hadn't been there the last month cause there was another team that kept winning, but had no real competition...he didn't know we knew each other, and I didn't tell him.

Now, on to the score....yes, the record will show 5 O'Clock Came in 2nd place....but an appeal is in process. The final score put us 5 points out of first, at 98.

  1. I call your attention to the Cory Everson question..."what is she known for?"....on the first line of this says she is known for fitness...which was our answer...they didn't give us that as correct...if they had, we'd have been 105
  2. I call your attention to which clearly states a group of whales is a pod, gam or HERD....7 more points, and a total of 112

I think I have dude's website, and will be contacting to file a protest.

So out of a possible 131 points (counting full bonuses...which we got) we got at least 112....we will rock you!

Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm not an alcoholic if I don't got to meetings.....

Thanks to Gina....thought I'd share some words of wisdom about drinking:

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. "~Frank Sinatra

"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams . If I didn't drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver." ~ Jack Handy

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Jen's (closed) Soapbox

So WTF!!!

Jen sets up a blog, and gets us all addicted, and n0w she's turned off the ability to make comments on her blog.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

G'town now has the tools it needs to deal with the hords of criminals....

Germantown PD recently took delivery on this monster...a fully armored vehicle that is bomb proof, bullet proof, and can be used to transport 10 SWAT team members into riots, hostage situations, etc.

The price tag $185k!!!

What possible use would GPD have for a fully armored personnel carrier?

Are the crowds at the Germantown Horseshow getting that out of hand?

Are terrorist roaming the fairways at Germantown Country Club?

Now, you might say "Rick, why do you live in Mississippi"'s why I care. The $185k came from a Homeland Security Grant. Yup, this completly useless piece of equipment, which is nothing more than a toy for GPD was paid for with my Federal Tax dollars. If the citizens of G'town want Panzer tanks running around town, they should buy it themselves, and use Federal money to do more beneficial things, like develop interagency communciations, or improve the 911 service.

Once again, it's all about having the biggest car in Germantown. I think they should go ahead and put a Mercedes emblem on the grill.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

No wonder this country is falling apart....

According to the study in this article....1/3 of Americans believe that either the US Govt was invovled in, or knew about but didn't stop, the 9/11 attacks. Why? They believe so that we could initiate a war in the middle-east.

There are so many problems with this, I don't know where to start...but let me just say there was a ton of reasons to wage war on the middle-east without 9/11.

Since there's about 30 of you that read my blog....the 10 that believe this...get some help!