Wednesday, August 09, 2006

G'town now has the tools it needs to deal with the hords of criminals....

Germantown PD recently took delivery on this monster...a fully armored vehicle that is bomb proof, bullet proof, and can be used to transport 10 SWAT team members into riots, hostage situations, etc.

The price tag $185k!!!

What possible use would GPD have for a fully armored personnel carrier?

Are the crowds at the Germantown Horseshow getting that out of hand?

Are terrorist roaming the fairways at Germantown Country Club?

Now, you might say "Rick, why do you live in Mississippi"'s why I care. The $185k came from a Homeland Security Grant. Yup, this completly useless piece of equipment, which is nothing more than a toy for GPD was paid for with my Federal Tax dollars. If the citizens of G'town want Panzer tanks running around town, they should buy it themselves, and use Federal money to do more beneficial things, like develop interagency communciations, or improve the 911 service.

Once again, it's all about having the biggest car in Germantown. I think they should go ahead and put a Mercedes emblem on the grill.


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10:44 PM  

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