Thursday, July 12, 2007

I pledge allegience, to the UNION???....NOT!!!!

The above flag was found on a video game program, and is one of a few versions of the North American Union flag floating around.
This article explains this in quite a bit of detail...but the short version is...
In 2005, our Pres, and the leaders of Mexico & Canada, agreed to pursue the Security & Prosperity Partnership (SPP). The SPP sounds oddly like the European Union, but with all the proposed "benefits" going to Mexico. In fact, the I-69 project is a direct component of this. A super highway, from Mexico to Canada, paid for by the US. The added advantage to us paying for it, is that once the SPP is in place, Mexico and Canada can ship product back and fourth, without any benefit to us, and we just have to let them go. No borders for commerce between our countries.
The recently defeated Immigration Reform Act had a few more "nuggets" tucked away....
The bill called for measures to boost the economy of Mexico, including:
  • U.S. support for Mexico, to strengthen its education and training programs.
    A call for better health care for "poor and underserved" people in Mexico.
  • And U.S. assistance to "establish a program with the private sector to cover the health care needs of Mexican nationals temporarily employed in the United States."
  • The bill also called for U.S. assistance to Mexican businesses and government to eliminate corruption, which it termed, "the single biggest obstacle to development."

Some other key SPP Initiatives:

  • Creating a North American Pandemic Influenza Plan (Paid for by US)
  • Facilitating cross-border travel (Meaning, opening or borders as a short cut from Mexico to Canada)
  • Establishing Social Security totalization for Mexican aliens working in the United States (Note, this doesn't make any distinction between legal or illegal aliens!)
  • Creating a Trans-Texas Corridor superhighway with truck, car, and train lanes running from Mexico to Canada. (To bypass the US)

It should be noted that Prez Bush ALREADY signed into law a bill that gives ILLEGAL aliens Social Security benefits when they retire!

I think this is one of those times that we all start writing our congressment and senetors.


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