Thursday, November 29, 2007

Just some quick sound bites.....

Things you WONT be hearing on the main stream media.....

  • It was reported today that during the 3Q, right when the "housing bubble burst"...the US gross domestic product rose nearly 5%...the largest increase in 4 years.
  • Bill Clinton now says that he has always opposed the war in Iraq....queue up the video of him telling CNN that he has always defended Pres Bush on the Iraq war. Oh yeah, and he also told Condi Rice's staff that he fully supported the invasion of Iraq.
  • 4k of enriched uranium were siezed by men who thought they were selling it to terrorists....nah, there's no world nuclear threat.
  • This year, the US economy grew at it's fastest rate in over 4 years......despite the chicken-little fatalists that say we're sinking into a recession.
  • Oil reached $100 per barrel....almost $40 of that is due to price speculation...investors...another $20 of that is due to the extra costs the oil companies pay to comply with 50 different state fuel requirements....the true cost is about $40 per barrel....which would translate to a current gallon of gas costing about $1.20
  • Mike Huckabee (I think) is the best candidate running for president....but no one will talk about him.
  • Ron Paul needs to go share a room with Ross Perot.
  • The Dem congress, as you know, has been pushing for the renewal of the "Fairness Doctrine" which would mandate the content of talk radio and talk TV. However, they now want to exclude PBS from that requirement, because PBS is "publically funded" the Dems want to tell private enterprise how to run their talk shows, but not tell the govt funded network......isn't that what Chavez has done in his country.
  • Speaking of you realize in the last year, more big time celebs have visited Huga Chavez than have participated in USO shows for the troops overseas?
  • Nancy Pelosi is stalling a bill in Congress, and wont allow a vote. The bill would prevent illegal aliens from suing employers, who refuse to hire them because they can't speak english.
  • The SC supreme court just ordered the states public colleges to admit illegal aliens as students...even if they know that the students are in violation of federal immigration law.


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