Sunday, June 22, 2008

Barack the Magic Negro....

My fingers are going to get tired of typing the bullshit this guy pours here's the short version of the latest...

1. Said he will accept Public Funding if the Republican Nominee does, so when McCain does accept it, Obama changes his mind, and now will go for the more lucrative private funding. Why? He says the public funding system is broken....well it's the exact same system as it was when you lied and made your promise BHO!

2. I will debate John McCain anywhere, anytime, and in any format! But now, not in a town hall meeting, not with questions from the public, and apparently not on any day that ends in "Y"!

add those to:

  • Minister Wright
  • Fr. Flagler
  • Rezko
  • Myers
  • His white hating comments in his book
  • His lies about voting against the Iraq war
  • That he is the most abscent Senetor in congress, and when he is there, he only votes "present" rather than going on the record on ANYTHING!

I'll ask again, who the hell is voting for this guy!!!

As I side note: I will traveling this week, and will try to post while I'm away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what do you do if you don't think McCain is that great either???

2:50 PM  
Blogger SilverAgeKid said...

Vote for the lesser of two evils...which in this case is clearly McCain. That is the ONLY real choice ... sucks, but that's the system. You can't have it your way all the time on every issue, so you have make the most out of what's there.

Rick: You forgot to mention Obama's buddy Bill Ayers who bombed the pentagon in the 70s. Whether you like McCain or not, you're nuts if you don't vote AGAINST Obama ...

See you in a couple of weeks

3:32 PM  
Blogger Big Rick said...

I agree McCain ain't a great choice either, but once again we're left with the "lesser of two evils"

5:32 PM  

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