Monday, June 16, 2008

Oh What a (poker) Night.....

Yeah, it was another land-mark evening of poker at the house. The players totalled about 12, and the on lookers made up another 5 or 6.

There was great discussion between my wife and I before hand that it didn't look like I had enough food.....

  • Cheese and Sausage Plate
  • Veggie Plate
  • (2) large Pancho's Cheese Dip
  • 4lb tray of Gary's Buffalo Chicken Dip
  • 3lbs of M&Ms
  • Large jar peanuts
  • (6) dozen chicken wings
  • And (4) cases of beer (actually 5 when you count what guest brought)

Well, I must apologize to my was ALL GONE!!!!!!!! First the bud light, then the miller lite, and by the end of the night, I was forced to sit pool side sipping on a Coor's Light....ugh!

Of course, 20 folks eating and drinking for the better part of (5) hours, that's gonna happen.

On to the highlights:

  • In the big game ($50 buy in) 1st Place-Rick, 2nd Place-Mike, 3rd Place-Kevin
  • In the 1st mini game ($20 buy in) 1st Place- Jen, no sure who came in second
  • In the 2nd mini-game ($20 buy in) 1st Place-Kevin, 2nd Place-Rick

Sidenote....My total winnings, minus buy-ins, minus splitting my winnings with my wife, minus the cost of food (because Pam get's the 10% to the house, and I paid for the food) I think I'm down about $75....sounds about right.

Onward....I don't want to call these "low-lights"....but let's just refer to them as "the things that made us go....hhmmmmm"

  • Brother Dan had his wisdom tooth extracted late on Friday...he was told to start back on clear liquids, then heavy liquids, and so on. Apparently in Danny's world, Miller Lite is a "heavy" liquid.
  • From now on, when Jen can't find her money...check her boobs. It was funny when she lost her $10 the first time....but later on...when she lost her winnings from the 2nd game...and yeah they were in the same place....I'm thinking "mad cow disease"
  • John...I don't care what you say, but a palm tree shirt, plaid shorts, and loafers (no socks) is not the "hip look" all the kids are wearing. I swear he looked like one of those guys selling Maps to the Stars in Hollywood.
  • Jen & Gary, I have (3) bathrooms in my house, pick one. And if you're going to co-habitat in one, don't pick the one with 10 people waiting just outside in the kitchen.
  • Stacie, if you're gonna get weird about Gary and Jen in a bathroom're in for a long bumpy ride.

No bloodshed, no cops.....all in all, a grand evening......let's do it again next month!!!!!


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