Friday, June 13, 2008 insanity....

How does Keith Olbermann even pretend to be a journalist? He only invites guests that agree with his twisted views, he never brings on anyone from the Republican side of the house, never attempts to present "two sides" or a "balanced" view. He is so clearly in the bag for Obama, he went after other libs like Katie Couric for saying that Hillary wasn't getting a fair shake.

When left wing liberal websites decree that Fox News provided the MOST balanced coverage of the primaries, Olbermann should be really worried.

Well now he's all in a twit because Fox referred to Michelle Obama as "Obama's baby's Mama".....well isn't she?

He can call Bush a terrorist and a liar, call McCain old and senial, and do the Nazi salute on national TV wearing a O'Reilly mask....but you better not make any sideways comments about Obama.

He is so in the bag, he just needs to marry the Obama-Girl, and start his own little fan club.

I also think it's funny that, even during a week of O'Reilly re-runs, Olbermann only pulled about half as many people. But he was all excited when the ratings came out and showed he beat CNBC in that timeslot.....we're number 5! we're number 5!

Keith are..."the Worst Person in the World"


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