Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How much more Bulls**t do we have to swallow...

Every other day I hear another story about Barak, and I just shake my head as to how ANYONE can support this guy.

First was his wing nut minister, who he said that although he had been going to that church for 20+ years, Barak never heard the man say an ugly word....then when the heat got turned up....he quit the church (it should be noted that Oprah quit the same church 7 years earlier because she apparently could hear the racist remarks being made by the preacher)

Then the replacement minister...who was a racist of his own, but Barak didn't now he was a flake either.

Then his association with the US terrorist Myers....but Barak didn't really know him that well...although he did attend fundraisers at Myers house.

Then there's the fella Rezko, who over the course of a few years donated money and land to Obama in the amount of about $400k....Obama first said he didn't really know him either, that he just asked his opinion on a land deal...but when the heat got turned up, he admitted the land deal was a mistake, and then donated the money he got from Rezko to charity.

Now we have Jim Johnson. Obama railed about Countrywide Mortgage as being one of the major causes of the housing credit crash, and called out the CEO by name like he was a criminal. However, he didn't have any trouble hiring Johnson, who had received multiple sweetheart deals from the same CEO. Again, at first Obama said he Johnson didn't work for him, but now...with the heat on...Johnson has "resigned"....well if he didn't work for Obama...what is he resigning from?

We also have all the little tidbits from his he stopped telling folks his mom was white, how he was afraid people would think him too he used dope and cocaine, but didn't use heroine...why???...because he didn't like the dealer....not because it was illegal or immoral or anything.

He also keeps claiming that he didn't vote for the war in Iraq like McCain...well no you didn't, because at the time you were a State Senator, and wouldn't have any reason to vote on a federal issue, nor did you have access to the intel available at the time.

When you compare what little substance he has advanced on his policies...they are straight out of the socialist 60s...a decade we don't want to repeat, and policies that failed then.

In the end, Obama is a big fat zero of a leader, a liar who bails on his friends when things get too hot, and offers nothing more than 50 year old policies.

If he were Prez...I wonder if he would cut and run when the heat got turned up on him there, just like he has done over and over again during the campaign.


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