Monday, July 28, 2008

It's no wonder we're all FUBAR....

When you think that most of the people put most of their faith in government, and we use the media help us keep tabs on the government....these below really have to make you wonder....(courtesty of my sista Deana)

  • "Volunteers search for old Civil War planes" - Who's more stupid...the searchers, or the reporter that thought this was a story.
  • "Army Vehicle Disappears....after being panted camoflauge"....isn't that kind of the point?
  • "Council Meeting to discuss Open Meetings is Closed to the Public"....huh?
  • "Caskets found when workers demolish mausoleum"....they were expecting to find car parts?
  • "10 Commandments: Supreme Court says some OK, some not" - Draw your own conclusions
  • "Utah Poison Control Center reminds everyone not to take poison"....excellent investigative reporting there Sherlock.
  • "Statistics show teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25"...couple of things...wouldn't it drop off altogether after age 19.......cause you wouldn't be a teenager anymore.....and I'm sure this study was funded by a federal grant.
  • (Headline) "One-Armed man applauds the kindness of strangers"...this reporter should go back to journalism school, and retake the classes on proof reading your headlines.


Blogger Shayna Cakes said...

I don't know, Uncle Rick. Some teenagers are pretty crafty.

8:36 PM  

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