Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yet another Obama-ism

During the Messiah Tour '08, Obama had scheduled a visit to a military hospital in Germany where wounded soldiers are treated and cared for.

Keep in mind now, all the times we've heard this is NOT a political photo-op tour.

Well, a couple of days before arriving, Obama was told the the Dept Of Defense, that policy would only allow him (Obama) and one staff memeber (not campaign worker) to tour the hospital. They want to minimize the disturbance to the injured soldiers.

When Obama realized this meant the dozens of reporters traveling with him would not able to snap photos of him with the hero soldiers, he canceled the entire visit!!!!!

Translated - Mr. Soldier, who gave so much of yourself to our're only worth visiting if I can be pictures I can use during my campaign....if I can't get those're not worth seeing.



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