Friday, September 26, 2008

And you thought YOU had a bad day...

Phillip Seaton, 61, of Kentucky...went into surgery to have a circumcision to treat a minor infection. When he awoke from surgery, he was informed by the surgeon that "I thought I saw what might have been I removed your penis".........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!
Might have been cancer? How about before you chop off my manhood, you do a biopsy, or some other test, and be SURE it's cancer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it like taking your car into the repair shop where you get the broken parts back afterwards?!?!?!?! It could be like getting the ashes back after cremation to leave on the mantel..........

Sounds like the MD slipped with the knife and cut if off to cover up his screw up.

2:30 PM  

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