Thursday, October 16, 2008

The worst part of vacation....coming home!

Well, vacation is over again...but MAN what a blast. I've included a few pics below, but some other highlights....

-Being asked by the bartender if I had ever drank a case of beer BEFORE and still looked sober enough that he'd let me drive him home....I said yes

-Pam telling me she had "freezer burn" after chugging her frozen mudslide a bit too fast....had to point out, it's "brain freeze" not "freezer burn"

-Having the hotel owner tell the front desk we can check out whenever we want, and don't ever give us a hard time again..."they are family"

Pam...before the "freezer burn"

Pam and her favortie bartender know you're loved when bartenders come from OTHER bars to visit you at the one you're at.

The Tiki Bar...poolside....10' away from the beach

Pam...deep in Island Time

View from my bar stool!

There are more than just bar pics, but those are still on Pam's camera, these are just the ones I took with my BlackBerry....more later.


Blogger Rick H said...

I am so glad you guys had a great time!........oh and a little jealous and a lot bitter. Welcome back to the grind bud and aren't we glad to at least be here today!


9:05 AM  

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