Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The truth's You Wont Hear....

These videos speak to alot of what has brought the financial crisis to where it is, but there are some other highlihgts...the second one is longer, but worth watching.

1974 - Dems vote in laws that REQUIRE mortgage banks to give more loans to low income families, or face penalties
1993/1994 - Dems increase this excercise in socialism, but allowing banks to begin trading mortgages as part of securities
Since 2001, the Republicans have been trying to reign in all this, and the Dems have blocked it at every turn. While blocking any oversite or investigation, the Dems have lined their pockets with money from these companies, and their Dem buddies have gotten rich running them into the ground.<

During the same time period....Obama has accepted nearly $1m from Fannie and Freddie....McCain has accepted less than $1000


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