Monday, November 27, 2006

First 100 'bout the first 100 minutes

So what have we learned in the few short days since the elections:

1. If the Reps win an election by's called a questionable victory, polluted by untrustworthy electronic voting machines and questionable ethics by poll workers...if the Dems win by's a sweeping "mandate" of the American people.
2. Pelosi doesn't even have the juice to push through one nomination with her own's she going to push anything with the rest of the governement?
3. Those of us making over $42k per year are about to have a 30% increase to our tax rate...yeah Meghan...that's you.
4. The Dems want to draft those of us (men) between 18 and 35, even though EVERY armed forces service is exceeding it's recruitment goals. And...yeah Meghan...that's Michael.
5. All of you with kids....count your kids...multiply by $500....thats the additional amount your tax bill will be this year.

Seems like things are going swimmingly

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cue the Toby Keith music....

In keeping with my conversion to a true Mississippi-ian (sic?) I've abandoned the sporty Monte Carlo for what every guy from Mississippi should have...a truck

Although I did keep the same color scheme!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Cail.....Rick Cail......I'll have a Bud Select...chilled not warm

I'm actually looking forward to the new Bond movie.

Chris Cornell I also like, but he's got to learn he doesn't have to scream the title of his song for the last three lines everytime. Although, he (and Audioslave) are finding quite a niche in sountracks...Collateral, Miami Vice, and now the new Bond theme.

Friday, November 10, 2006

It wasn't Nawlins...but it was fun....

Quotes/Hi Lites from the St. Louis Trip:

  • "I'll get my mojo on"
  • "There goes Santa in that RV"
  • "Nana Sex...oh yeah"
  • "You know, we've talked about cutting you guys off 3 times"
  • "We've just never seen anyone drink 18 beers, and still be standing"
  • "Is that waitress wearing any.....OH...nope she's not"
  • "5 Chicks, and it's always the fat one that comes over"
  • " of Crompton"
  • "We tabbed out of that bar 3 times last night"
  • "It was a good trip, I didn't puke, I didn't pass out, and no one got in a fight" - Gary
  • "We have such low expectations" - Rick
  • "Look, there's a bar"
  • "Free lasagna huh? Well it cost me $100 f***ing bucks!"
  • "Who stole the bagels from the free breakfast bar"

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Meet Me In St. Louie

Despite my recent rant against all the St. Louis Sports Teams (really it was at Jen), my brothers and I are off to St. Louis this weekend. We are, however, disappointed that Dan wont be able to make it at the last minute.....some guy in his company has some lame excuse about a major medical issue or he can't go. We'll make up for it next year when we return to New Orleans.

Anyway, just a few of the things we might be doing...

A night of drinking and clubbing on LaCledes Landing

Saturday...a tour of the holy land...Anheuser Busch...with more drinking at the end

Some comedy club and gambling action...

And then Sunday Football.........the Chiefs and the Rams.....we'll just use the extra ticket to hold our what are y'all doing this weekend?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Oh hell...let's just do all three..dare I say "hat-trick"

First my love, I must correct you...the St. Louis Blues have NEVER won a conf championship...they have made it to the finals, but never won.

The Blues came to St. Louis after having a NHL team fail in 1935, and then have the NHL refuse to move the Maroons in 1938 because St. Louis couldn't support a team.

So, 32 years later, in 1967 the Blues were established as an expansion team. Since then:

39 Seasons
0 Division Champs
0 Stanley Cups

78 Seasons
17 Division Champs
5 Stanley Cups

'nuff said

So, in the words of my she-bro........EAT ME back.

Why put off bashing the squirrel 'til tomorrow

Today's topic, children, is baseball:

St. Louis Cardinals (aka the Browns, the Perfectos, the Cardinals, then the Browns again, then the Cardinals again)

114 years as a franchise
World Series Apperances 20 (17%)
Actually won World Series 9 (batting .450 in the big game)
Overall Winning Average .505
Most Notable Historical Player (according to their hall of fame website) Stan Musial(?!?!)

Boston Red Sox (aka......well....the Red Sox)

102 years as a franchise
World Series Apperances 10 (10%) yeah, ya got us there
Actually won World Series 6 (batting .600 in the big game)
Overall Winning Average .535
Most Notable Hisotrical Player...well they couldn't pick just one like the Cards did....but here's a few you might know...Ted Williams...Cy Young...and oh yeah...Babe Ruth.

Tomorrow we'll compare (if you can call it that) the NHL St. Louis Blues to the Boston Bruins.....that should be fun.

To the little squirrel that whimpered....

Before you go spouting off about team loyalty, and backing the "home team"...first I don't have a home team...I'm from Olive Branch. If was followed your logic, and preached home team loyalty based on the place of my birth...that would be Boston. All though I don't have to fawn over a team just because they have a similar zip code.

But let's take a look at your beloved home at a time. We'll start with the Rams becasue footballs the only sport really worth talking about.

The "St. Louis" Rams...not.

Originally formed in 1937 in Cleveland....where they played until 1946, when they moved to Los Angeles....where they played until 1995, when they finally landed in St. Louis. (By the way, rumor mill has it that the Rams and Vikings are both being courted to move to Los Angeles...a move the league is supporting....will you still be a proud LA Rams fan?)

In the teams "storied" 69 years, they have appeared in 3 championship games (1 as the LA Rams) and won (oh my god) 1 (2 if you count a NFL title before the merger).

The New England Patriots (my team)

Formed in 1959...they have ALWAYS been in Boston. In their short 46 years, they have appeared in 5 championship games and won 3.

In summary

Rams have made it to the championship 4% of it's history and won 1.5%
Patriots have made it to the champtionship 10% of it's history and won 6%

So, when it comes to football champions.....EAT ME back!!!

Tomorrow we will discuss the St. Louis Browns/Perfectos/Cardinals/Browns/Cardinals

Go Vince Vaughn, Go Vince Vaughn...Go

According to the Hollywood Reporter

The Wachowski Brothers (The Matrix, V for Vendetta) are in early pre-production for a movie version of Speed Racer, targeted for 2008. One pitch even includes Vince Vaughn playing Racer X.....I laughed at first...but the more I think about it....I might actually go see this move.