Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Jena 6.....they're really good boys....

So here is the story you've been told. A group of racist white kids hung a bunch of nooses in a tree outside their school one night. The next day, when students arrived, 6 young black man were outraged, identified the white students that did this horrible deed, and then in a moment of rage, beat one of them within an inch of his life. Then, the racist governement prosecuted them for attempted murder...AS ADULTS...and convicted them. Then, all the black leaders came together, and turn the "spotlight of truth" on the situation...and have gotten this abused boys a new trial.

Well, here's the true story you aren't hearing:

  1. A group of racist white kids hung nooses in the trees around the school - FALSE- The schools rodeo club/team, had made new lasoes to be used in a rodeo, and had left them out to dry (lasoes are made wet) over night in their stable area. This fact has been investigated by the school, the local PD, the State Bureau of Investigation, and the Feds...they all came to the same conclusion.

  2. The next day students arrived, and were outraged by what they saw - FALSE - Prior to any students arriving, teachers removed the lasoes, no students ever saw them.

  3. In a fit of rage, the Jena 6 identified the racists, and over-reacted, beating one nearly to death - FALSE - the beating occured some 6 months after the lasoes were left out...and the boy that was nearly killed was not one of the three students invovled in the incident.

  4. The boys were tried as adults because of racial hatred - FALSE - the boys were tried as adults because of the severity of the crime, the fact that they are all 16 or 17...and nearly ALL of them have prior records. One of them has 4 prior CONVICTIONS for robbery and assault. One of them, since released...has BEEN ARRESTED AGAIN for assault.

And, where in this situation is the victim????? He has had to change schools in his senior year becuase of threats made against him.

Under federal law, any crime committed against a victim based souly on race/gender/religion is called a "HATE CRIME"....why aren't these men being tried under that statute?

And even if you believe the original story, that the boys were justified because they were so offended...does that mean that a gang of white men can go out and beat a black fella they believe has committed an offending act? Of course it does!!!!

California is burning......whooptee do

While I'm pretty fed up with the wild fire stories in California, it does beg one to make some observations....

500,000 people have been evacuated, with out much fuss at all, and have all be moved by the local and state governments, without Federal help.....why couldn't New Orleans do that?

12,000 people had to be put up at the Charger's Stadium...when they arrived, there was food, water, tents, medical attention.....all without Federal help...why couldn't New Orleans do that?

When Federal help was requested, the local leaders contacted the navy and the army, and got exactly what they asked New Orleans when Fed help was offered (twice) the Govenor said she'd have to think about it.

So in summary...a hurricane hit the Gulf Coast, actually doing more damage in Mississippi than New Orleans, and a wild fire has hit CA doing much more damage. In both MS and CA the local officials responded quickly, with local and state resources, and requested Federal Help in a timey manner, which arrived when requested, and according to EVERYONE involved....things are working together GREAT between the local, state and Feds.

So, New Orleans....what the f**k is wrong with you!

Why, two years later, has New Orleans still not given out all the funds awarded for recovery, but MS is almost complete with it's repairs?

The answer....New Orleans!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres , Nancy Pelosi..and other dogs

Here's some questions I want to hear asked....

....if Ellen is SOOOOO torn up about the little girl losing her dog.....why doesn't she go buy her another one?

....if the Dems think it is a horrible thing for Bush to visit dead soldier's families for a photo-op, then how come it's ok for them to round up a bunch of kids in CA, ship them to DC, and put them on parade to support Universal Healthcare?

....why is it that, with the credit rating in the toilet, the city just named the most violent in america, the highest tax rate in the state, a utility that is going upside down.....why is it that Willie deserves to be paid ANOTHER $20,000 per year.....and now has a total salary higher than Mayor of Atlanta, the Mayor of Louisville, the Mayor of Nashville....and the Vice President of the United States?

....why does the Mayor of Millington drive a 6 year old Crown Victoria...the Mayor of Bartlett drive a 2001 Ford Explorer...the Mayor of Germantown drive a 1997 Taurus....but King Willie just got a brand new 2008 Cadillac Escalade (leased)?

....a newly released report shows that 60% of middle and upper income African Americans moving to the Memphis area...choose to live outside of the city....but we don't hear about that report. Could it be that would show this is NOT a racial exodus of Memphis, but the decision of the thinking/working class?

Plame-Gate.....the saga continues...

Valarie Plame's new book is coming out, so talk shows are heating up the same time, some documents have been declassified that have direct impact on these events.

  • On two occasions, Plame claimed that she never recommended her husband for this assignment...however a February 2002 email released, from Plame to a CIA manager now shows that she did recommend her husband, and encouraged the CIA to take advantage of his experience.
  • Joe Wilson ADMITTED in testimony to congress that before writing his OP-ED piece, he secretly released information to a New York Times reporter. He further ADMITTED that when he did this, he knew the information was still classified.
  • Plame claims that at the time of the Novak article, she was still "covert", and that no one knew who she really worked for. Documents just released, however, show that Plame was removed from her overseas post 4 years earlier, after being outted by Democrate Dick Armitage. From then on, she had been told she could not be re-deployed because of her exposure, and she began just working (openly) at CIA Langly.
  • In his OP-Ed piece, and in congress, Wilson claimed that during his trip he found NO truth the the claim that Iraq had sought nuclear material. However, in his report to the CIA (which was just declassified) Wilson reports that the former Prime Minister of Niger told Wilson that in 1999, a delegation from Iraq came to Niger to negotiate for uranium. And the Minister of Energy told Wilson that, around the same time, IRAN made direct inquiries about purchasing yellow-cake uranium. Yet Wilson now claims, no one ever told him anything about these countries trying to buy nuclear material.
  • Plame's new book "My life as a Spy" a bit of a stretch, by all reviews of the work she talks about she did, she was an analyst, not an operative. Though she may have been covert (until outted by Armitage) she was not a field operative, and had no direct contact with CIA assets.

People are right though....crimes have been committed.....and here they are...

  1. Richard Armitage (Dem) violated the national covert operative act and leaked Plame's name to the media in 2000, causing her to be recalled from from her overseas post. He should be arrested and charged for violating the covert agent act.
  2. Joe Wilson, by his own admission, leaked classified information to the media. He should be arrested and charged for leaking classified information
  3. Valarie Wilson lied to congress on (2) occasions about pushing the CIA to utilize her husband, she should be arrested and charged for purgery.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's been a while, since I could hold my head up high....

Not really, but I had to open with something....and because it's been such a long while, I'll just throw out some random thoughts.....

- So an illegal alien can come to our county, rape and murder (2) teen age girls, confess to it, and now the International Court, a body that was set-up to govern foreign relations, thinks it has the right to tell the US govt to force a new trial in Texas....AND the Feds agree! This is bad mojo folks. If the Supreme Court backs this crap, next the Int'l Court will tell us that the 2nd Amendment is against international law (that's the one about guns kids)..and try to make us change about our policies on illegals...should the rest of the world get to tell us how to run our borders.....this isn't about one f'ing's about the world's attempt to re-write our Constitution.

- NAFTA...good for Bill Clinton....bad for Hillary Clinton....apparently, one of the hallmarks of the Slick Willy legacy, doesn't sit right with Ms. Willy, as she says she will amend or revoke it. Remember, NAFTA was the little bill that sent all our jobs to Mexico. But lest ye think the Reps aren't crazy my earlier posts the AmerCanixco under the CAFTA that Bush is wanting to push through.

- The Patriots cheat, the Patriots cheat....well how do you think the Jet's coach knew where to tell the refs to look...he used to run those cameras. And by the way, have you noticed how badly the Pats have done since the SpyGate incident...yeah...5-0

- OK, so let me get this straight....CNN holds a Republican Debate, and picks Chris Matthews to host. Well, in the spirit of the Fairness Doctrine, I think the Dems should hold a debate on Fox News, and Bill O'Reilly should moderate.....but we know THAT would never happen.

- Memphis re-elects King Willy......really? Well I just felt my property value jump about 5%

There's been more, but it's late and I'm tired....I'll catch up some more tomorrow.