Wednesday, December 05, 2007

New Things to Piss Me Off...

  • "W" should just give up. This week, he released a new report that says earlier intel was wrong about Iran, and the probably havn't been trying to create a nuke since 2003. The Dems lined up to call him a liar for saying they had nukes aren't these the same people that chastized him for only believing the Iraq intel he wanted to? So he gets new intel, he goes against his postion, but he releases it anyway...and he's still wrong.
  • DC is going to force mortgage companies to freeze the adjustable rate mortgages for 5 years if the home owner can only afford the initial rate, but not the new higher rate! I wish the government would step in everytime I made a bad decision and tell people I owe money to that I don't have to pay! These dumbasses knew what they were getting into, now they want someone to bail them out.
  • Is everyone watching Mike Huckabee? Keep your eyes on him folks, he's gonna be the dark-horse running for the Reps. And I actually like the guy.
  • Did you see the Judge that tried to order the special grand jury in the Farrow shooting got overturned, and is now under investigation by the State? Nah, probably wont hear that one too much on the news....I'm sure it's a racial thing.


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