Friday, March 07, 2008

No more "W" to kick around....

I've been watching the news the last few weeks, and have been amazed (and confused) by the attacks the 2 leading Dems are putting on each other. While I never agreed with the Dems, they did used to seem to have a unified message....or at least they all had no message at all....but they were all the same.

Now it seems they are really going after each other, and not really addressing the problems with the country...which a while ago they both claimed they had answers for...but would not share those answers with us.

Then it dawned on me. They don't have an enemy to demonize. In the 2000 election, they went after "W" for being stupid, a draft dodger, etc....they didn't have to have a message. Then in 2004, they attacked "W" over the war....again, no real message or plan of their own, but a common enemy to attack.

So now that "W" is out of the race, they are sitting there like the kids in the playground...after the kid with the ball went home....they don't know what to they're calling each other names.

Why don't they know what to do? Well, again just like the kids left in the playground...the smart kid left...the ones left behind are too stupid to come up with a new game to play.

In fact, I'll take the analogy a bit further. Let's say the kid with the ball wanted them to play, but play by his rules. The other kids like to play ball, but not with him in what do they do...."we didn't want to play anyway".

Just like the war....they really weren't against the war....they were just against Bush. They didn't mind going to war...they just didn't want him to be the one in they all ran around claiming they never wanted to "play" anyway. Now Bush is out of the way, and he's taken the ball (the war issue) with him.

So now we have to watch while the Dems sit in their sand-box all alone...mad because they don't have a ball (their own ideas)...and fight with each other.

Don't worry, McCain will be along soon enough, and they can all gang up on the new kid. Not that they'll have any new games to play of their own....they'll just hate his games because he's the new guy.


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